Title: Natable Post by: dolphins4life on January 15, 2023, 10:53:52 pm This year is the first time since 2018, that I have not been nominated for Shame of the Year
Title: Re: Natable Post by: Downunder Dolphan on January 16, 2023, 03:37:58 am This year is the first time since 2018, that I have not been nominated for Shame of the Year Not so fast... it looks like DenverFinFan has nominated you for this year, so the streak continues. :P Title: Re: Natable Post by: dolphins4life on January 16, 2023, 05:30:08 pm That doesn't count for two reasons.
1) He posted it after I started this thread. 2) He already nominated somebody else. BTW, so embarrassing that I misspelled the thread title. 2/3 of my computer screen on my laptop went fuzzy, and I haven't had time to fix it. The title looks like it's about childbirth Title: Re: Natable Post by: Dave Gray on January 16, 2023, 05:57:18 pm This isn't anti-fins chat.