Title: Dolphins Sign Dan Feeney Interior O-Lineman Post by: EDGECRUSHER on March 16, 2023, 11:54:44 am He is either a depth piece or competition for Eichenberg. I honestly think he will be our starting LG if he stays healthy. Remember, we got 3 elite O-linemen right now. We just need "not the worst in the league" at LG and RT and this is a Top 10 unit.
Title: Re: Dolphins Sign Dan Feeney Interior O-Lineman Post by: CF DolFan on March 16, 2023, 11:59:56 am I would really love a strong RT for Tua.
Title: Re: Dolphins Sign Dan Feeney Interior O-Lineman Post by: EDGECRUSHER on March 16, 2023, 12:24:32 pm I would really love a strong RT for Tua. So would Tua. Never say never, but I would be truly surprised if the plan for this season was for Austin Jackson to play RT. In 2 years he has played poorly on the field and in the 3rd he missed almost the whole year with an ankle injury. Apparently, the worst ankle injury in history that didn't require surgery. They may not end up with a top RT, but Austin cannot be the starter. Title: Re: Dolphins Sign Dan Feeney Interior O-Lineman Post by: Downunder Dolphan on March 16, 2023, 05:14:04 pm I would really love a strong RT for Tua. If Hunt is moved to RT and he plays as well as his rookie season there, I'm not so worried - we just need someone decent to play next to him. But it would be nice to have another lineman who is just as effective at both positions - we can definitely use another one who can play tackle in case there is another (almost inevitable) injury to Armstead during the season. Title: Re: Dolphins Sign Dan Feeney Interior O-Lineman Post by: CF DolFan on March 16, 2023, 05:35:46 pm Robert Hunt is a much better guard than tackle. HE was serviceable there at the end of the year but is more suited for guard.