Title: Van Ginkel and Gesicki drawing interest from New England Post by: CF DolFan on March 16, 2023, 12:47:30 pm From the business sucks file I really hope neither of these guys land with Belichick. Van ginkel is visiting today and there is word Mike has been talking with them.
Title: Re: Van Ginkel and Gesicki drawing interest from new England Post by: EDGECRUSHER on March 16, 2023, 12:48:50 pm I would prefer Gesicki out of the AFC. Him going to New England with JuJu would definitely improve their offense and while it still won't make the Pats a contender in that division, we probably need to go 2-0 against those guys.
Title: Re: Van Ginkel and Gesicki drawing interest from new England Post by: dolphins4life on March 16, 2023, 04:04:20 pm I would prefer Gesicki out of the AFC. Him going to New England with JuJu would definitely improve their offense and while it still won't make the Pats a contender in that division, we probably need to go 2-0 against those guys. The Patriots are already a contender. They have a better shot of making the playoffs next year than Miami does. Title: Re: Van Ginkel and Gesicki drawing interest from New England Post by: Dave Gray on March 16, 2023, 05:05:29 pm The Patriots are already a contender. They have a better shot of making the playoffs next year than Miami does. Vegas doesn't think so. They've got the Dolphins Super Bowl odds at basically double the Patriots odds. Title: Re: Van Ginkel and Gesicki drawing interest from New England Post by: CF DolFan on March 21, 2023, 12:53:11 pm Rumor is Fangio reached out to AVG telling him he'd like him to come back so he is going to sign with Miami. Might have to be after June 1 unless they free up some more money but this is the plan as I understand it.
Title: Re: Van Ginkel and Gesicki drawing interest from New England Post by: EDGECRUSHER on March 21, 2023, 02:41:45 pm Rumor is Fangio reached out to AVG telling him he'd like him to come back so he is going to sign with Miami. Might have to be after June 1 unless they free up some more money but this is the plan as I understand it. Miami Herald says he agreed a 1 year deal with us today. No financial details or anything else but as long as it's an agreement then it's a good move for both parties. |