Title: Shame of the Game Proposal for 2023 Post by: dolphins4life on September 01, 2023, 09:41:58 pm If you nominate the refs for a shame of the game you are REQUIRED to state specifically which calls you feel they missed. This will allow us to analyze if you are correct or just a homer.
Edit: Sometimes, refs DO deserve shame of the game if they make a clearly incorrect call that changes the result of the game. Title: Re: Shame of the Game Proposal for 2023 Post by: Dave Gray on September 01, 2023, 09:48:29 pm I don't think the refs should be considered, because it's a cop-out.
Title: Re: Shame of the Game Proposal for 2023 Post by: Phishfan on September 02, 2023, 06:08:26 pm I nominate we suspend anyone that nominated the refs. The spirit of the thing is to talk about players. Continually complaining about refs, and especially bringing them up before a game has even been played this season, has gotten tiresome and quite frankly turns most of off. Like Dave said, it's a cop out.
Title: Re: Shame of the Game Proposal for 2023 Post by: raptorsfan29 on September 02, 2023, 07:16:42 pm I think we should suspend anyone who thinks we should suspend anyone for nominating the refs.
Title: Re: Shame of the Game Proposal for 2023 Post by: Dave Gray on September 02, 2023, 08:27:01 pm Back when this site first started and there were a lot of coming and going users on Sundays, we had rigid rules for shame of the game, we would have a poll of sorts, and then we'd put the face on a "goat trailer" meant to emulate Madden's horse trailer from Monday Night Football. This was nearly 20 years ago, before GOAT became common slang for "Greatest of All Time". It also required weekly manipulation of the website HTML which I'm just no longer willing to do.
But back then, the rules were pretty strict. Since it was a vote and we put up someone's picture on the wall, it was ONE NAME. We didn't allow "the offensive line". We didn't allow "the defense". And we certainly didn't allow "the refs" or "the fans" or any bullshit like that. If you did think the entire defense played poorly, it was popular to name the defensive coordinator for lacking a gameplan. Sometimes, if everything was bad, we'd name the owner because the team's problems were systemic of years of bad drafting. But in the spirit of what this is for -- it's about finding the weak link within the Dolphins organization to pin a loss. For that, the refs don't apply. Title: Re: Shame of the Game Proposal for 2023 Post by: Phishfan on September 02, 2023, 08:33:51 pm I think we should suspend anyone who thinks we should suspend anyone for nominating the refs. What Dave said. It's not in the spirit of why it originated. Title: Re: Shame of the Game Proposal for 2023 Post by: Spider-Dan on September 04, 2023, 06:30:08 pm One thing for sure: people definitely shouldn't be naming some coach of another team from a different game as "Shame of the Game" because they didn't go for it on fourth down or whatever nonsense. This award is meant to be for members of the Miami Dolphins organization.