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TDMMC Forums => Other Sports Talk => Topic started by: Dave Gray on December 05, 2023, 10:48:24 am

Title: FSU screwed out of playoffs
Post by: Dave Gray on December 05, 2023, 10:48:24 am
I don't really have anything to add that hasn't already been said, but I just feel like it's a topic worth creating.

More than anything, I feel sad.  ...not for FSU.   I don't really care about any individual teams.  I feel more sad for the state of college football.  Like, what's the point of any of this if winning the games don't matter?

I kinda felt this way for boxing back in the day.  When the fight you were watching started to feel like a commercial for its own rematch, I lost interest.  And that's kinda how this feels.  I knew it's always been about money, but at least they pretended to be legitimate.  This is egregious and makes me feel icky about all of it.

Title: Re: FSU screwed out of playoffs
Post by: Engineering Owl on December 05, 2023, 11:34:21 am
Fortunately next year there will be a 12 team playoff structure.

Title: Re: FSU screwed out of playoffs
Post by: AQNOR on December 05, 2023, 12:09:18 pm
From the rumblings I'm seeing, this was all about money.   The SEC and the Big Ten are the two "money conferences" and everyone is joining them or being left by the wayside as they have the TV deals that can generate hundreds of millions for every school.   The Big 12, ACC, and Pac 12 may have TV networks but they don't pay out anywhere near as much nor does the quality of their coverage stand out.   I think a handful of teams from the ACC will join the SEC and the Big Ten, and what's left of them along with what's left of the old Pac 12 will merge with the Big 12, and the Big 12 will be seen as the weak conference in what will be now a Power 3 conference group.

Fortunately next year there will be a 12 team playoff structure.

And it will include one Group of Five school, one or two Big 12 teams, and everyone else will be from the SEC or Big Ten.

Title: Re: FSU screwed out of playoffs
Post by: Phishfan on December 05, 2023, 01:53:07 pm
FSU is clearly not the better team. Let's not even pretend simply being undefeated is enough criteria.  I don't see any mention of Liberty here or anywhere else

Title: Re: FSU screwed out of playoffs
Post by: Spider-Dan on December 05, 2023, 02:13:56 pm
Liberty doesn't count, they aren't a Real Program.

Personally, I'm glad the last year of this dumb-ass system is causing more wailing and gnashing of teeth on the way out.  I'm glad an undefeated FSU got snubbed, I'm glad the #1 team all season got kicked out at the last second.  The only thing that can make this better is if Washington wins it all right before the Pac-12 is disbanded.

Title: Re: FSU screwed out of playoffs
Post by: Fau Teixeira on December 05, 2023, 02:22:14 pm
Liberty doesn't count, they aren't a Real Program.

Personally, I'm glad the last year of this dumb-ass system is causing more wailing and gnashing of teeth on the way out.  I'm glad an undefeated FSU got snubbed, I'm glad the #1 team all season got kicked out at the last second.  The only thing that can make this better is if Washington wins it all right before the Pac-12 is disbanded.

i like that you're bringing chaos to the party. carry on

Title: Re: FSU screwed out of playoffs
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on December 05, 2023, 05:49:59 pm
I feel any team that goes undefeated should get a seed including Liberty. 

Title: Re: FSU screwed out of playoffs
Post by: Dave Gray on December 06, 2023, 11:49:19 am
FSU is clearly not the better team.

This is exactly why they should be there.  They aren't the best team and the won despite that adversity.

Title: Re: FSU screwed out of playoffs
Post by: Sunstroke on December 06, 2023, 12:16:09 pm
I feel any team that goes undefeated should get a seed including Liberty. 

So, if being undefeated is your "first and foremost" criteria for CFP entry, then what do you do when you have 6 undefeated teams and only four spots?

Title: Re: FSU screwed out of playoffs
Post by: Dave Gray on December 06, 2023, 12:58:04 pm
So, if being undefeated is your "first and foremost" criteria for CFP entry, then what do you do when you have 6 undefeated teams and only four spots?

The easy answer is to pick 4 of the 6, based on the other criteria, like a tiebreaker.  But first and foremost is undefeated or not, I would think.

I know that college football is its own animal, but realistically, Liberty could be the best team in the nation, win all their games, do everything they can, and still not make the playoffs.  That's crazy.  Why even have games?

Title: Re: FSU screwed out of playoffs
Post by: Phishfan on December 06, 2023, 01:32:27 pm
This is exactly why they should be there.  They aren't the best team and the won despite that adversity.

Then where is your argument for Liberty? The idea is to select the four best teams, not someone that isn't but had an impressive record. Did you make the same arguments for UCF?

Title: Re: FSU screwed out of playoffs
Post by: Engineering Owl on December 06, 2023, 02:03:36 pm
It is impossible for any non power 5 conferences to make it to the 4 team CFP. UCF had 2 undefeated regular seasons in a row with a bowl win against an elite Auburn team. they weren't even in the conversation for the CFP's, flawed system from the start.

Title: Re: FSU screwed out of playoffs
Post by: Dave Gray on December 06, 2023, 02:07:33 pm
Then where is your argument for Liberty? The idea is to select the four best teams, not someone that isn't but had an impressive record. Did you make the same arguments for UCF?

I think the whole system is bullshit, so I'll just start with that.

However, it is known that going undefeated isn't enough, as evidenced by Boise State and UCF in years past.  It's bullshit, but it's known bullshit.

But the lie was always that these teams weren't from good enough conferences or they didn't play good teams.  So, the FSU thing just exposes that lie; that's all.

I think the whole college football system is total garbage, but I think the unfortunate reality is that the whole thing: the conference system, the bowls, all of it -- needs to be gutted and re-evaluated and there is too much money and hands in the pot and history and contracts and power in the conference leadership to ever enact real change.

So the change we're seeing, while better than what we have, is incremental and within the limitations of the current system.

Title: Re: FSU screwed out of playoffs
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on December 06, 2023, 03:36:41 pm
So, if being undefeated is your "first and foremost" criteria for CFP entry, then what do you do when you have 6 undefeated teams and only four spots?

Has that ever happened?  What is the likely of it happening in the future? 

In that case we use the current system to choose among the four.  Likewise if there is one undefeated team it gets in plus 3 that are chosen based on various criteria.

Title: Re: FSU screwed out of playoffs
Post by: Sunstroke on December 06, 2023, 04:29:08 pm

If Liberty was placed in the CFP, after they fattened up on the Sam Houstons, Old Dominions and Jacksonville States all season, their first playoff opponent (Georgia?, 'Bama?) would destroy them by a gazillion points and invalidate the entire playoff process.

Title: Re: FSU screwed out of playoffs
Post by: Dave Gray on December 06, 2023, 08:28:22 pm
If Liberty was placed in the CFP, after they fattened up on the Sam Houstons, Old Dominions and Jacksonville States all season, their first playoff opponent (Georgia?, 'Bama?) would destroy them by a gazillion points and invalidate the entire playoff process.

Nobody here is really earnestly arguing for Liberty, though in a vacuum, I would.  The playoffs are a system of a bigger problem.  If self-scheduling and weak conferences allow you to be garbage and go unbeaten, that's the problem.  Regulate the scheduling if this is true.  Else, why are they games played?

Title: Re: FSU screwed out of playoffs
Post by: Sunstroke on December 07, 2023, 11:00:16 am

^^^ Nah, they fixed it already by increasing the number of playoff teams starting next year, which is what most college fans were asking for all along.

Next year, FSU would be in, and - God help us - so would Liberty (look, a bebu!)

Title: Re: FSU screwed out of playoffs
Post by: Dave Gray on December 07, 2023, 11:23:12 am
I'd like a system where undefeated teams get in regardless.  If 12 teams lets you do that, then that's fine.

Title: Re: FSU screwed out of playoffs
Post by: EDGECRUSHER on December 07, 2023, 12:55:09 pm

[mod edit: resized picture]

Title: Re: FSU screwed out of playoffs
Post by: Sunstroke on January 05, 2024, 07:41:02 pm
^^^ Nah, they fixed it already by increasing the number of playoff teams starting next year, which is what most college fans were asking for all along.

Next year, FSU would be in, and - God help us - so would Liberty (look, a bebu!)  

Just a little semi-smirking follow-up on this.  The two teams that people were considering for the CFP, 13-0 Florida State and 13-0 Liberty. Those programs played two other teams that missed the playoffs, Georgia and Oregon, and lost those two games by a combined score of 108-9.  No, that is not a misprint.

 :o  :o  :o

Title: Re: FSU screwed out of playoffs
Post by: Spider-Dan on January 05, 2024, 08:15:52 pm
I heard Georgia's coach Kirby Smart give an interview after their 63-3 whooping of FSU.  According to Smart, a big reason why the game was not competitive is that many of FSU's starters apparently saw no reason to endanger their NFL prospects for a "meaningless" (i.e. non-playoff) bowl game and chose not to play (a problem that Smart says we need to "fix").

I don't really follow college football and can't speak to the number of FSU's starters that sat out, but that's what Kirby Smart was complaining about after the game, so he seemed to think that particular score was misleading.

Title: Re: FSU screwed out of playoffs
Post by: bsmooth on January 07, 2024, 09:24:58 pm
Just a little semi-smirking follow-up on this.  The two teams that people were considering for the CFP, 13-0 Florida State and 13-0 Liberty. Those programs played two other teams that missed the playoffs, Georgia and Oregon, and lost those two games by a combined score of 108-9.  No, that is not a misprint.

 :o  :o  :o

No caveat that FSU players gave up on the program and the team prior to the game?

Title: Re: FSU screwed out of playoffs
Post by: Sunstroke on January 07, 2024, 11:33:26 pm
No caveat that FSU players gave up on the program and the team prior to the game?

Players are always missing come playoff time. As a final comment...FSU didn't deserve to be in the CFP.