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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: dolphins4life on December 10, 2023, 04:47:22 pm

Title: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: dolphins4life on December 10, 2023, 04:47:22 pm
The electoral college is utterly absurd and ridiculous.  It incentivizes governors to do poorly.  Ron DeSantis did such a good job in Florida that he effectively clinched the presidency for Biden.  

What exactly is the problem with having the popular vote decide the presidency?

I showed how in another thread.  DeSantis did so well in Florida that many Republicans have moved there in the last three years.  This means the GOP will win Florida, but Biden will win all the other states that the Republicans moved from

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: AQNOR on December 10, 2023, 08:07:32 pm
Because the popular vote gives the not-so-populous states a disadvantage.   If you go to a straight up popular vote, you're putting the election in the hands of the big urban cities.

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: CF DolFan on December 11, 2023, 09:37:48 am
The electoral college is utterly absurd and ridiculous.  It incentivizes governors to do poorly.  Ron DeSantis did such a good job in Florida that he effectively clinched the presidency for Biden.  

What exactly is the problem with having the popular vote decide the presidency?
If you went by the popular vote New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix and Philadelphia would decide the election and no one from states like Wyoming, Vermont, Alaska, North Dakota, and South Dakota would have reason to vote nor would they have anyone who ever represented their interests. I feel each state should have only one vote regardless of population as no state is more important than another IMO.

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: Brian Fein on December 11, 2023, 09:38:06 am
Ron DeSantis did such a good job in Florida that he effectively clinched the presidency for Biden.  

Can you elaborate on this?

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: Engineering Owl on December 11, 2023, 09:46:15 am
So you really think Wyoming's population of 500k should have the same amount of power as California's 40 millions population during the presidential election?
I must have read something wrong! Because these two states are VERY different from one another!

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: Dave Gray on December 11, 2023, 10:23:55 am
Electoral College may have made sense at once point, and even probably not, but it was required to get the states to agree to form a coalition.  But as people have moved to population centers, it makes less and less sense.

Would popular vote make bigger population areas more important?  Yes, because they are more important because more people live there.  But if you don't, you weigh more importance towards places where people don't live.

Your vote in California or New York is meaningless.  It's just not how this is supposed to work.

The only people who are for it are also for the Republicans who benefit from it.  That is the only reason.  Find me someone who loves the electoral college but doesn't vote for Republicans.  Everyone knows it's a farce, but it's a farce that favors one side, so they keep going with it.

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: Fau Teixeira on December 11, 2023, 10:32:40 am
1 person, 1 vote,

pretty simple idea, fuck states, fuck artificial boundaries.

1 person, 1 vote.

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: Dave Gray on December 11, 2023, 10:45:18 am
You have to really bend over backwards to justify making some votes count more than others.

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: CF DolFan on December 11, 2023, 11:22:06 am
So you really think Wyoming's population of 500k should have the same amount of power as California's 40 millions population during the presidential election?
I must have read something wrong! Because these two states are VERY different from one another!
And that's exactly why they need the same representation. Drag Queens and their supporters from San Francisco have no idea what it is like to live in Wyoming or Utah so they wouldn't care what affects them. Other examples include it doesn't make sense to have cities and states count more because they choose to ignore immigration laws or actually identifying voters while others do not.

I'll go the opposite and ask why should Californian's should be allowed to dictate how Wyoming and Utah live?

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: CF DolFan on December 11, 2023, 11:24:11 am
1 person, 1 vote,

pretty simple idea, fuck states, fuck artificial boundaries.

1 person, 1 vote.
LOL ... you wouldn't say that if conservatives were flooding our borders. You would be whining about the exact opposite.

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: Dave Gray on December 11, 2023, 11:25:27 am
I'll go the opposite and ask why should Californian's should be allowed to dictate how Wyoming and Utah live?

This is poorly phrased.  We have to collectively agree how we all should live.

So, right now, Wyoming's votes count 80X the amount of Californians.  The state with more people should have more pull.  It's pretty obvious.

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: CF DolFan on December 11, 2023, 11:29:34 am
This is poorly phrased.  We have to collectively agree how we all should live.

So, right now, Wyoming's votes count 80X the amount of Californians.  The state with more people should have more pull.  It's pretty obvious.

You'll never get me to agree with that. I don't think Texas or Florida should dictate to Rhode Island either. I'm more or a states rights guy and let people decide for themselves. I believe that's how our government was intended. The problem is Washington lawmakers and big corporations got greedy and started taking control and it hasn't stopped.   

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: Dave Gray on December 11, 2023, 11:34:12 am
You'll never get me to agree with that. I don't think Texas or Florida should dictate to Rhode Island either. I'm more or a states rights guy and let people decide for themselves. I believe that's how our government was intended. The problem is Washington lawmakers and big corporations got greedy and started taking control and it hasn't stopped.   

States still have individual rights.  We're talking about a national leader; not a state leader.

I don't take you at your word.  If you weren't a conservative and this wasn't a political advantage, you wouldn't support it.  Anyone who believes this votes Republican because they are hostile towards Democracy and would rather just win and get what they want.

Where are those that support the Electoral College that doesn't also vote Republican.  I say this as someone who at least can defend the Electoral College as a concept when we were 13 States.  But now that we have industrialized and there are huge discrepancies in population centers, it makes no sense.

The discrepancy with the amount of Senators is already bullshit, but to also choose the President is an extra layer of bullshit.

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: masterfins on December 11, 2023, 12:07:18 pm
So you really think Wyoming's population of 500k should have the same amount of power as California's 40 millions population during the presidential election?
I must have read something wrong! Because these two states are VERY different from one another!

Well they don't have the same number of votes, Wyoming has the bare minimum of 3 votes, while California has 54 votes.

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: Dave Gray on December 11, 2023, 12:24:15 pm
Not that it even matters, but the electoral college is also harmful for both conservatives and democrats and serves to further divide the states and parties.  A conservative in California is useless and has no voice.  A liberal in Utah might as well not exist.  There is probably room for both of those states to be better and have more outreach from their national political party, but it's not happening, because there's no need.

The entire presidency is focused on the needs of like...6 States.  It's dumb; even if it had good intentions at one point, it no longer applies.

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: Engineering Owl on December 11, 2023, 02:25:14 pm
It should also be mentioned Puerto Rico has ZERO political representation. But once, guess who it benefits!

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: CF DolFan on December 11, 2023, 02:44:18 pm

I don't take you at your word.  If you weren't a conservative and this wasn't a political advantage, you wouldn't support it.  Anyone who believes this votes Republican because they are hostile towards Democracy and would rather just win and get what they want.

I'm so confused. So the founding fathers were against Democracy? LOL. I mean they established it for the very same reasons I am for keeping it. The Founding Fathers established the Electoral College in the Constitution as a compromise between the election of the president by a vote in Congress (States) and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. 

This whole "times have changed" so let's drop it is just silly. The only thing that has changed is the percent of liberals being allowed to vote in national elections.

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: Fau Teixeira on December 11, 2023, 04:30:45 pm
So the founding fathers were against Democracy?

yes, they were against democracy for slaves, women and anyone that didn't own land.

in fact, in the first election for president, new york, north carolina and rhode island had no electors for a few different reasons.

So lets take a look at what actually happened and not at some yankee doodle fictional version of what american democracy is, when in actuality it's a giant mess of some good ideas and some bad ideas. We've fixed some of it, like giving women the vote, and not enslaving people. Lets not act like fixing an outdated concept like the electoral collage is some crazy liberal idea.

Please also stop tossing in "immigration" and "open borders" as strawman arguments. It doesn't matter if california had  10 million non-citizens, not a single one gets a vote for anything. and has absolutely nothing to do with elections.

Also, you keep bringing up "states" and "cities", again .. states and cities aren't "people" and mean jack shit.

One person, one vote. No exceptions.

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: CF DolFan on December 11, 2023, 05:43:04 pm
yes, they were against democracy for slaves, women and anyone that didn't own land.

in fact, in the first election for president, new york, north carolina and rhode island had no electors for a few different reasons.

So lets take a look at what actually happened and not at some yankee doodle fictional version of what american democracy is, when in actuality it's a giant mess of some good ideas and some bad ideas. We've fixed some of it, like giving women the vote, and not enslaving people. Lets not act like fixing an outdated concept like the electoral collage is some crazy liberal idea.

Life must be pretty miserable that pretty much everyone prior to us lived horrible lives by your standards. Hell, the standards just 5 years ago would trigger people who think they are above the capabilities of their ancestors. It's a shame you weren't around in 1776 to set them straight.  

Honest question ... what race exactly hasn't had slaves? I mean slavery still exists and it isn't middle aged white men in America who have them. Plenty of people for you to let them know they are wrong and it isn't the US of A where you are "protected" to have an opinion because of those racist bastards we call Founding Fathers.  

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: AQNOR on December 11, 2023, 09:48:13 pm
This is poorly phrased.  We have to collectively agree how we all should live.
So, right now, Wyoming's votes count 80X the amount of Californians.  The state with more people should have more pull.  It's pretty obvious.

California does have more pull.   It gives the winner 54 electoral votes to Wyoming's 3.   If this country went straight up popular vote, most voters in Wyoming wouldn't even show up because they can't compete with those cities CF Dolfan mentioned.

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: Spider-Dan on December 12, 2023, 12:17:58 am
If you go to a straight up popular vote, you're putting the election in the hands of the big urban cities.
Another way to frame that position is "You're putting the election in the hands of the areas that have the most people," which is bad for parties who hold unpopular policy positions.

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: Spider-Dan on December 12, 2023, 12:28:55 am
If you went by the popular vote New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix and Philadelphia would decide the election and no one from states like Wyoming, Vermont, Alaska, North Dakota, and South Dakota would have reason to vote nor would they have anyone who ever represented their interests. I feel each state should have only one vote regardless of population as no state is more important than another IMO.
Y'all only feel this way because the policies you support are deeply unpopular, which makes a more democratic system worse for you.  The interests of undemocratic authoritarians are best represented by a monarchy/dictatorship in which your guy wields absolute power and crushes the opposition with the full force of the state, but a close second would be the oligarchy you describe, where political power is apportioned not by population, but rather by arbitrary political lines drawn decades or centuries ago.

I'm forced to wonder why you think we should even bother with elections in the first place.

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: Dave Gray on December 12, 2023, 10:05:20 am
CF, you argued against the electoral college on this very website 10 years ago, saying that it wasn't fair.  What changed?

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: Fau Teixeira on December 12, 2023, 10:40:12 am
Life must be pretty miserable that pretty much everyone prior to us lived horrible lives by your standards. Hell, the standards just 5 years ago would trigger people who think they are above the capabilities of their ancestors. It's a shame you weren't around in 1776 to set them straight.

Yes, you're getting it. We live in unquestionably the best time to be alive as human beings. Never have we as a race been so fortunate to exist. 5 years ago we were worse off. 20 years ago we were worse still. There is no such thing as the "good old days", we are at the peak of humanity until we exceed it tomorrow and in the future.

Honest question ... what race exactly hasn't had slaves?
It doesn't matter, that's a completely irrelevant question. You may be stuck in a "whatabout" mind-frame, but it really doesn't matter. People 200+ years ago had bad ideas. We've recognized those ideas were bad and we changed them. Slavery was a bad idea. And it was undemocratic. You asked about democracy of the founders. They overall did fine for the time. They were coming from a monarchical system, and took steps to change. By no means is the system perfect. It was and still is full of bad ideas. The electoral college is a bad idea whose time has come and gone, and we should change it. And yes, the founding fathers were racist bastards. Many kept human beings as property. They weren't saints roaming the earth on bare feet with halos shining above their heads.

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: masterfins on December 12, 2023, 02:17:33 pm
Not that it even matters, but the electoral college is also harmful for both conservatives and democrats and serves to further divide the states and parties.  A conservative in California is useless and has no voice.  A liberal in Utah might as well not exist.  There is probably room for both of those states to be better and have more outreach from their national political party, but it's not happening, because there's no need.

The entire presidency is focused on the needs of like...6 States.  It's dumb; even if it had good intentions at one point, it no longer applies.

Part of the problem is that states choose to give all of their electoral college votes to the candidate that wins the popular vote in their state (there are two states that apportion the electoral votes between candidates based on the popular vote).  States choose how to hand out the electoral college votes.  Maybe it would make a difference if all states allocated them based on the popular vote in their state, but I doubt it.  Just like the NCAA March Madness or the new NCAA Football playoffs, there will always be someone complaining that it's not fair.

Title: Re: How should we elect presidents?
Post by: CF DolFan on December 12, 2023, 04:46:55 pm
CF, you argued against the electoral college on this very website 10 years ago, saying that it wasn't fair.  What changed?
Really? I find that hard to believe but I guess it's possible. Honestly I don't know why I would have felt that way.