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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: dolphins4life on January 08, 2024, 09:27:25 pm

Title: The documentary about Trump that must be made
Post by: dolphins4life on January 08, 2024, 09:27:25 pm
I call it, the Trump Double Standard Documentary

1) Covid

Ron Desantis took the pandemic FAR less seriously than Trump did, yet he has been praised, while Trump was criticized

2) The Trade War with China

Wikipedia has said that the Trade War has largely been characterized as a failure for the United States, however Joe Biden has kept the tariffs in place.  Obviously, the tariffs did well for the United States or else they would have been dropped.

3) The Capitol Riots

He CLEARLY said to be peaceful, but the liberal media portrayed him as the villain.

4) Solemeni

Wikipedia says it stirred up trouble in the Middle East, but Biden taking out Ayman Al-Zawahiri has been praised. 

5) Factual Accuracy of Statements

Criticizing him for saying he had the biggest tax cut in history when several others have been bigger is absurd.  Whether or not it was the biggest in history has nothing to do with the fact that it was good for Americans.

Title: Re: The documentary about Trump that must be made
Post by: bsmooth on January 13, 2024, 08:36:05 pm
I call it, the Trump Double Standard Documentary

1) Covid

Ron Desantis took the pandemic FAR less seriously than Trump did, yet he has been praised, while Trump was criticized

2) The Trade War with China

Wikipedia has said that the Trade War has largely been characterized as a failure for the United States, however Joe Biden has kept the tariffs in place.  Obviously, the tariffs did well for the United States or else they would have been dropped.

3) The Capitol Riots

He CLEARLY said to be peaceful, but the liberal media portrayed him as the villain.

4) Solemeni

Wikipedia says it stirred up trouble in the Middle East, but Biden taking out Ayman Al-Zawahiri has been praised. 

5) Factual Accuracy of Statements

Criticizing him for saying he had the biggest tax cut in history when several others have been bigger is absurd.  Whether or not it was the biggest in history has nothing to do with the fact that it was good for Americans.

1. Trump was critized for all the things he said, including the demonstrably false ones about unproven cures.
2. If you had bothered to read actual economic sources, you would see that the tariffs were a mixed bag of results, and are not a simple matter of ending them. This is especially true with the GOP far right claiming China owns Biden. They would claim he is dropping them because China wants it.
3. If you read the full transcript, Trump says peacefully early on. He then goes on a lengthy rant about all the fraud, how the election was stolen, and in his closing paragraphs, he says that they have to fight to save the country before telling the crowd to March down Pennsylvania Ave.
4. Solimeni was a high ranking government official, hence he was assassinated, al-Zawahiri was a leader of AL Qaeda and a terrorist. The fact you don't understand the difference between the two acts speaks volumes.
5. A lie is a lie. He even repeated this lie at the January 6th rally. Trump has a long and well-known history of lying about his personal and professional accomplishments.