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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: dolphins4life on March 20, 2024, 06:18:07 pm

Title: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: dolphins4life on March 20, 2024, 06:18:07 pm
How on Earth people are allowed to something so horrible legally is beyond comprehension.

But Florida, which will never surrender to the woke mob, has passed legislation to allow authorities to remove these people right away.

If Florida could implement universal health care for it's residents, I'd move down there in two seconds.

Ron Desantis will be in the White House one day, if he continues to run

One lady went on vacation in Arizona and came back and found 12 gang members living in her home.  She called the police and they told her they could not do anything about it.

If you voted for Biden you are responsible for this.

You are just as guilty as the gang members.

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on March 21, 2024, 05:37:25 am
If you do move to Florida make sure if you rent an apartment you get you lease notarized.  Under this law anyone whose lease is not notarized is a squatter.  

Almost no lease is ever notarized, so not only will this combat squatters it will allow almost every landlord to immediately evict almost any tenant without going through an eviction process.  

Not surprising that Florida would solve this “problem” while ignoring the core societal issue that some people are homeless while others have multiple homes. 

Society has many problems very far down on the list for me is concern about the property rights of people who have multiple homes that they leave vacant for extended periods of time being infringed upon by people who would be otherwise homeless.

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: CF DolFan on March 21, 2024, 10:42:20 am
All I hear is Florida sucks because they don't allow people to take what is not theirs and people who are lazy think that it is bad. hahhaa

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: Dave Gray on March 21, 2024, 10:59:35 am
As usual, people don't understand the implications of laws like this.  They only think of homeless people that have illegally broken into a residence and are doing meth inside.

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: CF DolFan on March 21, 2024, 11:07:13 am
^^^^^ Dave, are you saying the meth is the only issue here because Hoodie is saying homeless should be able to take over your house if it's open before the new renters move in. This doesn't even account when the house is up for sale but they can't sell it because of squatters.

Society has many problems very far down on the list for me is concern about the property rights of people who have multiple homes that they leave vacant for extended periods of time being infringed upon by people who would be otherwise homeless.

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: CF DolFan on March 21, 2024, 11:09:56 am
Considering illegals are being encouraged to take over people's homes it is a very immediate problem in Florida and elsewhere

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: Dave Gray on March 21, 2024, 11:15:52 am
^^^^^ Dave, are you saying the meth is the only issue here because Hoodie is saying homeless should be able to take over your house if it's open before the new renters move in. This doesn't even account when the house is up for sale but they can't sell it because of squatters.

No, I'm saying that meth is not the only issue.

Squatter is a loose term that can apply to someone living in a place, perhaps unlawfully, but not necessarily a friend or an ex or someone who rented but is in a current dispute with the landlord or whatever.  There are legal protections where you can't just throw someone out who lives somewhere or lock them out of their place.  You are a squatter at that point, as in you don't have permission to live there.

This just happened to my nephew.  He lived on a property owned by his gilfriend's stepdad, who was his employer.   There was a work dispute.  The guy changed the locks and there was no lease.
You can't do that.   He was locked from his things and had nowhere to go.  Yet, he was a squatter without a legal claim to the property.


Yet in cases like this, the only people talked about are crackheads who snuck into an open window in the Hamptons, when in real, actual life, there are reasons for these protections.  It's not because I want hooligans just living in your house when you go on vacation.

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: Phishfan on March 21, 2024, 02:00:16 pm
If that is all there is to the story then that sucks for your nephew but he is in a small fraction of people who would be caught up in this.I haven't read the bill but the vast majority of squatters are deadbeat. I know people on both sides of the situation.

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: Dave Gray on March 21, 2024, 02:51:29 pm
It sounds like your “vast majority” is just something you’re saying.  Do you have any info to support that claim?

Also, what’s the difference?  We have laws to protect everyone.  Some people being scumbags doesn’t remove rights for the rest of us.

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: CF DolFan on March 21, 2024, 03:35:20 pm
It sounds like your “vast majority” is just something you’re saying.  Do you have any info to support that claim?

Also, what’s the difference?  We have laws to protect everyone.  Some people being scumbags doesn’t remove rights for the rest of us.
There are stories all the time about homeless taking over houses and the property owners can't get them out. This also happens to rich people who have great attorneys. It's so bad that even states like California and New York are trying to pass "Squatting" laws.

I don't get it but if they move into your vacant home and change the locks it takes months and sometimes years to be able to forcibly remove them.

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on March 21, 2024, 04:12:42 pm
This bill not only addresses “squaters” but weakens the little rights that tenants already have. 

If you have multiple resistances when others have none, you are part of the problem.

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: Dave Gray on March 21, 2024, 11:03:47 pm
There are stories all the time about homeless taking over houses and the property owners can't get them out.

Again, is this based on anything other than "there are stories"?

I gave you a concrete example of a regular person that I personally know that was recently protected by "squatter's rights" because his employer/friend gave him housing and decided on an angry whim to rescind it and leave him without options.  This is recent.  It happened just recently and luckily, my family structure is strong enough where we can pick up the pieces, but otherwise, my nephew would've been screwed.

Never in my life have I ever actually known someone in real life where they had people (particularly illegal immigrants) living in their home that they couldn't remove in a reasonable manner.  I've been alive 46 years and I've never heard of it happening to anyone I know even once.  I know wealthy people.  I know people who own multiple residences.  I know people who live in all different parts of the country.  I've never even heard one story.  I just can't imagine this is that prevalent of a problem.

I don't doubt that this is occurring somewhere to someone, but is it such a problem that you are hearing stories about it all the time that it is of real concern?  Or is this just another fake outrage in a long line of fake outrages designed to get you angry about something that really doesn't matter?

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: Fau Teixeira on March 22, 2024, 09:19:39 am
it sounds to me like "reefer madness" but for housing instead of pot

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: CF DolFan on March 22, 2024, 01:12:19 pm

If you have multiple resistances when others have none, you are part of the problem.
Believe it or not but I do try and see both sides of an argument regardless of if I agree or not. I understand where Dave is coming from as a renter's rights but for the life of me do not understand people thinking they deserve someone else's stuff because they have decided said person has too much. The only thing I can compare it to is a thief's mindset or a Hippie commune where everyone is drugged up so they only think sex and love matter and that stuff is for everyone. People should get what they earn and if they want to give some of that away then so be it. If they don't then that's fine too.

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on March 22, 2024, 02:00:40 pm
Believe it or not but I do try and see both sides of an argument regardless of if I agree or not. I understand where Dave is coming from as a renter's rights but for the life of me do not understand people thinking they deserve someone else's stuff because they have decided said person has too much. The only thing I can compare it to is a thief's mindset or a Hippie commune where everyone is drugged up so they only think sex and love matter and that stuff is for everyone. People should get what they earn and if they want to give some of that away then so be it. If they don't then that's fine too.

You don’t understand the mindset of increasing the equitable distribution of wealth?  It has been promoted by many including Jesus, Ghandi, Marx, FDR, LBJ, and Warren Buffet among others.

The core problem that creates the “squatter” condition is a lack of affordable housing.  The fact that there is so many dwelling sitting vacant, contributes to the lack of affordable housing.

I fundamentally don’t have a problem with stealing necessities of survival from those with abundance.  A hungry person shopping lifting food is a crime but not morally wrong. Nor is a parent shoplifting cough syrup for a sick child.  Likewise a homeless person taking shelter in an unoccupied building is illegal but not immoral.

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: Fau Teixeira on March 22, 2024, 05:32:37 pm
I think that owning multiple houses is fine, if you can afford it, then by all means, go for it.

What I think SHOULD happen is that you get taxed rate x for your 1st property, and rate a,b,c for properties 2,3,4 and it should be increasingly higher. You have the right to buy as many properties as you want, but you are the cause of an imbalance in land use, and the government should levy taxes to help offset that imbalance. Use the funds to subsidize housing.

This rule should also apply to corporations who's business is rental properties, let them pay increasingly large taxes for each consecutive property they own.

And on a more realistic approach, the use of companies like RealPage should be banned. It's purely an anti-competitive monopolistic network that works to artificially set rental rates across wide areas.

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: CF DolFan on March 22, 2024, 05:42:00 pm
You don’t understand the mindset of increasing the equitable distribution of wealth?  It has been promoted by many including Jesus, Ghandi, Marx, FDR, LBJ, and Warren Buffet among others.

The core problem that creates the “squatter” condition is a lack of affordable housing.  The fact that there is so many dwelling sitting vacant, contributes to the lack of affordable housing.

I fundamentally don’t have a problem with stealing necessities of survival from those with abundance.  A hungry person shopping lifting food is a crime but not morally wrong. Nor is a parent shoplifting cough syrup for a sick child.  Likewise a homeless person taking shelter in an unoccupied building is illegal but not immoral.
You are looking at this from a victim mentality so all you are doing is looking for reasons not to succeed. There is a huge reason minorities who have nothing come to this country and flourish. For all it's faults this is still the land of opportunity and many poor with nothing succeed all the time. They take advantage of all the opportunities instead of begging for people to give them something for doing nothing. If we turn this into a communist country that will no longer be the case. Everyone will be poor.  

There is a local guy running for the Florida House. He is Chinese and his parents forced him to come here and never return. He now owns 9 grocery stores but I'm guessing you think he should give some of them away. There are tons of stories just like that of people coming here and bypassing all off the victims of the evil USA.

By the way I love when you guys invoke Jesus's name to prove your point (wrongly I might add) because it just emphasis how much you need to get to know Him. There are over 2300 versus in the Bible dealing with money and possessions if you really are interested.


Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on March 23, 2024, 03:43:58 am

By the way I love when you guys invoke Jesus's name to prove your point (wrongly I might add) because it just emphasis how much you need to get to know Him. There are over 2300 versus in the Bible dealing with money and possessions if you really are interested.

And not a single one of those verses, if read honestly, supports the idea that it is acceptable that some people have multiple vacant residences while others are homeless. 

No honest reading of the bible supports the idea that Jesus would support capitalism, 2A rights, a closed boarder immigration policy, profit based healthcare, ostracizing homosexuals, scapegoating the poor, or a large military.  Jesus wasn’t a Republican.  He wouldn’t be a Democrat  either.  He would be to the left of the Green Party. 

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: Downunder Dolphan on March 23, 2024, 07:16:23 am
No honest reading of the bible supports the idea that Jesus would support capitalism, 2A rights, a closed boarder immigration policy, profit based healthcare, ostracizing homosexuals, scapegoating the poor, or a large military.  Jesus wasn’t a Republican.  He wouldn’t be a Democrat  either.  He would be to the left of the Green Party. 

Jesus would come back and see how fucked up this world has become and wipe it all out.. you are familiar with Revelations?

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on March 23, 2024, 09:06:46 am
Jesus would come back and see how fucked up this world has become and wipe it all out.. you are familiar with Revelations?

Revelations did not come from Jesus.  It is in many versions new testament but it is not the teachings of Jesus.  There is no evidence that the author ever met Jesus.

Focus on what Jesus actually said and did.

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: Dave Gray on March 23, 2024, 12:04:35 pm
I think that a lot of this is a fundamental difference between how the right and the left look at issues.

With every situation, some people will be helped, others will exploit that help.
I tend to focus on those getting the help.  I feel like others tend to focus on the few that will exploit it and that inherent unfairness.

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: bsmooth on March 24, 2024, 02:28:17 pm
You are looking at this from a victim mentality so all you are doing is looking for reasons not to succeed. There is a huge reason minorities who have nothing come to this country and flourish. For all it's faults this is still the land of opportunity and many poor with nothing succeed all the time. They take advantage of all the opportunities instead of begging for people to give them something for doing nothing. If we turn this into a communist country that will no longer be the case. Everyone will be poor.  

There is a local guy running for the Florida House. He is Chinese and his parents forced him to come here and never return. He now owns 9 grocery stores but I'm guessing you think he should give some of them away. There are tons of stories just like that of people coming here and bypassing all off the victims of the evil USA.

By the way I love when you guys invoke Jesus's name to prove your point (wrongly I might add) because it just emphasis how much you need to get to know Him. There are over 2300 versus in the Bible dealing with money and possessions if you really are interested.


Lol, at least correctly quote your anecdotal evidence correctly.  He was never forced to come to the US by his parents. He came over on a F1 visa and was going to return for school, even if the alleged persecution actually happened. His parents suggested he not return back to China after finishing school. By the way, a larger percentage of F1 visa recipients never return to their native countries whether they finish school or not.
Also, your use of communism emphasizes how.much you need to get to know the difference between socialism, communism,  and authoritarianism (which China is).

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: CF DolFan on March 25, 2024, 03:04:10 pm
And not a single one of those verses, if read honestly, supports the idea that it is acceptable that some people have multiple vacant residences while others are homeless. 

No honest reading of the bible supports the idea that Jesus would support capitalism, 2A rights, a closed boarder immigration policy, profit based healthcare, ostracizing homosexuals, scapegoating the poor, or a large military.  Jesus wasn’t a Republican.  He wouldn’t be a Democrat  either.  He would be to the left of the Green Party. 
That's exactly what I mean. You have absolutely no clue what the Bible says and it's kind of funny.
John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Jesus supports a Heaven where only those who follow Him are granted entrance. That's a huge wall to keep out non citizens. 

In 2 Thessalonians 3:9-14 He makes it clear the lazy deserve nothing and we aren't to even associate with them.

9 We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to offer ourselves as a model for you to imitate. 10 For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.” 11 We hear that some among you are idle and disruptive. They are not busy; they are busybodies.11 We hear that some among you are idle and disruptive. They are not busy; they are busybodies. 12 Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the food they eat. 13 And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good. 14 Take special note of anyone who does not obey our instruction in this letter. Do not associate with them, in order that they may feel ashamed. 

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: CF DolFan on March 25, 2024, 03:12:29 pm
Lol, at least correctly quote your anecdotal evidence correctly.  He was never forced to come to the US by his parents. He came over on a F1 visa and was going to return for school, even if the alleged persecution actually happened. His parents suggested he not return back to China after finishing school. By the way, a larger percentage of F1 visa recipients never return to their native countries whether they finish school or not.
Also, your use of communism emphasizes how.much you need to get to know the difference between socialism, communism,  and authoritarianism (which China is).
It's all the same result regardless off whatever name you like. You can't take from people and give it togethers and the people at the top making decisions not get heavily compensated.

As far a Bowen Kou ... I hadn't read that on that page but have seen him talk about it before. He and his father spent 2 weeks in jail for having a Bible and his parents demanded he not come back according to him. He also talked about how hard it was to know that would be the last time he would see them. 

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: CF DolFan on March 25, 2024, 03:22:09 pm
I think that a lot of this is a fundamental difference between how the right and the left look at issues.

With every situation, some people will be helped, others will exploit that help.
I tend to focus on those getting the help.  I feel like others tend to focus on the few that will exploit it and that inherent unfairness.
I don't mind helping people, as most conservatives do not. It's the free handouts that rub us the wrong way. Christians and Christian organizations are the biggest volunteers helping the needy in this country. Conservative just dislike people who don't want to help themselves.

A republican is more inclined to want to help train people to work than to give them free money and other gifts. Not that some people don't need help on the interim but if you are in the same circumstances a year later you kind of have to look at yourself. I pretty much don't know any company not looking to hire and according tot he news that isn't uncommon. My wife and some of her other former coworkers worked as waitresses after losing 6 figure jobs until they could find something more accommodating. It's embarrassing and can be humiliating but it's a job.

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on March 25, 2024, 05:51:02 pm
Nice myth, but utterly false.

Jesus have out free handouts.  I know that many Christians think the line “give a man a fish and …” is biblical teachings, it is not.  Jesus gave people fish. 

Churches do relatively little charity.  Many shelters run churches aren’t actually charities but profit centers for the church on state contracts. 

As for Republicans supporting training.  Name one time Republicans tried to increase funding for job training, tuition support,etc.  They talk about job training when cutting direct support but they also support cutting all training and education programs.


Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: Spider-Dan on March 25, 2024, 07:26:37 pm
That's exactly what I mean. You have absolutely no clue what the Bible says and it's kind of funny.
John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Jesus supports a Heaven where only those who follow Him are granted entrance. That's a huge wall to keep out non citizens.
It's incredibly ironic that you use this as a rationalization for keeping out immigrants, given that the terms of acquiring "citizenship" for heaven are simply to accept Jesus as your lord and savior.  A truly Christian immigration/border policy would allow anyone in who wants to become an American, as long as you're willing to take the Pledge of Allegiance.

I don't mind helping people, as most conservatives do not. It's the free handouts that rub us the wrong way. Christians and Christian organizations are the biggest volunteers helping the needy in this country. Conservative just dislike people who don't want to help themselves.

A republican is more inclined to want to help train people to work than to give them free money and other gifts. Not that some people don't need help on the interim but if you are in the same circumstances a year later you kind of have to look at yourself.
As I have mentioned countless times on these forums, the largest recipients (by far) of government assistance are the elderly, the disabled, and families with children.

Indeed, the problem is precisely that Republicans would rather repeal laws banning child labor ( than give kids food for free (  That's a pretty twisted sense of "personal responsibility."

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: Dave Gray on March 26, 2024, 09:00:45 am
CF, I believe you when you say that you don't mind helping people.

But as for the Republican party, it may be true that they are MORE LIKELY to teach a man to fish than to give a man a fish, let's just be real -- they're doing neither.  Republicans never support anything like teaching a man to fish, ever.  Meanwhile, they overfish the lake so there's not enough fish for everyone else, to stick with the analogy.

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: Phishfan on July 02, 2024, 08:36:24 pm
So this law just took effect and we know a little more. It doesn't look like Dave's nephew would be affected atall. A squatter must have unlawfully entered the property, cannot be a current or former tenant,  and cannot be an immediate relative of the homeowner.

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: Dave Gray on July 03, 2024, 10:13:48 am
So this law just took effect and we know a little more. It doesn't look like Dave's nephew would be affected atall. A squatter must have unlawfully entered the property, cannot be a current or former tenant,  and cannot be an immediate relative of the homeowner.

What constitutes a tenant?

My nephew probably didn't have a signed lease, as it was his wife's step-Dad.

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: Phishfan on July 03, 2024, 01:05:38 pm
But he didn't enter into residency illegally unless the guy lies about it.

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: Dave Gray on July 04, 2024, 10:59:52 am
He didn't enter unlawfully.   That is definitely true.

Title: Re: Florida takes action against squatters
Post by: Dave Gray on July 05, 2024, 12:32:34 pm
^^^^^ Dave, are you saying the meth is the only issue here because Hoodie is saying homeless should be able to take over your house if it's open before the new renters move in.

I'm not sure why you're addressing me with what Hoodie believes.  We aren't on a team.  I have my own beliefs.

If this can have a practical purpose of keeping squatters out of houses, then great.  I just don't want it to harm regular people.