Title: Two K's Post by: dolphins4life on April 29, 2024, 06:17:02 pm Kathy Hochul and Katie Hobbs
The former signed a bill to combat squatting and allow Americans to realize their dream of home ownership. The latter vetoed such a law. It's good to see some Democrats have an IOTA of common sense. It's sad to see many don't. Edit: I got the names confused Kari Lake was the defeated Republican Katie Hobbs is the current governor of Arizona who thinks people should be allowed to take what is not theirs. Title: Re: Two K's Post by: Phishfan on April 30, 2024, 01:51:54 pm I admit I had to look these women up. I've never met someone so obsessed with politicians from other states. As near as I can tell, Lake hasn't been elected to anything. How do you support she vetoed anything?
Title: Re: Two K's Post by: Dave Gray on April 30, 2024, 03:17:00 pm Kari Lake is a crazy person who ran for Senate in Arizona after being a TV anchor. She went full MAGA lunatic, election denier (even in her own race, said the results were fake, etc).
She was a local news celebrity. I don't think she has ever held public office. She was a big name recently for being a crazy person and a vocal lunatic. |