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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: Dave Gray on May 10, 2024, 11:41:47 am

Title: Denver 2, tell us about you.
Post by: Dave Gray on May 10, 2024, 11:41:47 am
I see you've posted pretty regularly for about a year.  What's your story.  Where are you from, what do you do?  How did you find the site?  How did you become a Dolphins fan?  What other hobbies do you have, etc?

Title: Re: Denver 2, tell us about you.
Post by: Denver2 on May 13, 2024, 05:28:56 pm
Hey Dave,

I was actually a poster here for a long time called DenverFinFan I accidentally deleted that account but am back on this one.

I found this website because you or someone else linked to it on the gamespot forums years ago.

I’m from Colorad, I work as QMAP at the moment at a senior center, but I’ve done so many things.

I’m a dolphin fan because of the movie Ace Ventura which I was kinda obsessed with as a kid.

I like to go hiking, read, follow the news, watch TV and listen to music, and drinking.

Title: Re: Denver 2, tell us about you.
Post by: Dave Gray on May 15, 2024, 10:18:31 am
Oh cool -- I didn't realize that you were an old-schooler.  And yes, it was me that linked it from Gamespot.  I used to be a regular on those forums and I believe I had our website banner in my signature.
I'm glad that recruited at least one person.

Do you still play video games?

Title: Re: Denver 2, tell us about you.
Post by: Denver2 on May 17, 2024, 10:31:36 pm
Not as much as I used to, once it gets closer to the next elder scrolls game I’ll buy whatever system it’s played on at that time.

I did have a lot of fun with some fallout games, Witcher, red dead, Skyrim, cyberpunk and the mass effect trilogy since the days I was posting on GameSpot hit most the staples

Title: Re: Denver 2, tell us about you.
Post by: Dave Gray on May 20, 2024, 12:20:31 pm
I am traditionally not an RPG guy, but I have played some over the years and I started with Morrowind, then played Oblivion and Skyrim.  I put lot of hours into those games and will likely buy whatever is next.

Title: Re: Denver 2, tell us about you.
Post by: Denver2 on May 28, 2024, 01:31:29 am
I am traditionally not an RPG guy, but I have played some over the years and I started with Morrowind, then played Oblivion and Skyrim.  I put lot of hours into those games and will likely buy whatever is next.

They are the only things that can lure me back to console gaming, but I love that survival games like Dead By Daylight really had a lot of fun that with premise. I tried Madden again over the years but man I couldn’t complete a pass to save my life.