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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: Dave Gray on May 29, 2024, 05:11:18 pm

Title: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: Dave Gray on May 29, 2024, 05:11:18 pm
I have several:

- People who make a single political candidate or single political issue their whole identity.
- Crossfit
- Pickleball
- People who have an unhealthy obsession FOR or AGAINST a technology brand.  Common examples: Apple, Tesla, or any game console

I also think that there are certain subgroups of pop culture in the FOR/AGAINST category that either love or hate a specific creator, specific controversial movie, or specifical controversial character trait and revert all related conversations to this point:  IE - Zach Snyder, The Last Jedi, "Batman doesn't kill", etc.

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: Spider-Dan on May 29, 2024, 05:21:51 pm
It's weird that you would mention all of these different "cults" while ignoring the elephant in the room: check the website banner.

Sports are far more cultish than Apple or Tesla, especially in the FOR/AGAINST categories.  When was the last time you saw someone die in a violent conflict between iPhone and Android advocates?

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: Dave Gray on May 29, 2024, 05:31:32 pm
I didn't mention it because I didn't think of it, but sports could apply, I guess.  There are definitely hardcore weirdos who make sports their entire identity and can't logically evaluate it on its own terms.

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: Phishfan on May 29, 2024, 10:08:59 pm
Pickleball? I don't know anyone who plays. I could see it I guess.

Fraternities and sororities can fall into this. Also I don't know that there is an encompassing name so I will just say the Comicon crowd.

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: Dave Gray on May 29, 2024, 11:16:29 pm
Pickleball is kind of a weird one.  My direct friends don't play it, but I have been at parties where people find a way to always bring it up.  There's nothing bad about it; it's just one of those things that seems to transcend being a hobby.

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: CF DolFan on May 30, 2024, 08:08:15 am
Pickleball is blowing up for sure. The biggest "cults" I see are Jeep people, horse people, and Harley or Indian riders.  Jeep people are probbaly the worst though ... hahaha.

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: Fau Teixeira on May 30, 2024, 10:13:21 am
Up here it's Dunkin' people, stickers on cars, clothing, trash talk anyone with a starbucks cup.  It's a cult.

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: Dave Gray on May 30, 2024, 10:16:24 am
I find it less now than about a decade ago, but vegans fell into this category for a while.

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on May 30, 2024, 11:55:18 am
Most religions
Some sports fans
A few Costco members
10 years ago I would say vegans but I haven't been harassed by one recently.

To be cult like the person needs to view their life choice to be exclusively the best and be hostile to alternative choices.  I haven't seen that with pickleball, phone brands or coffee shops.

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: Dave Gray on May 30, 2024, 12:58:18 pm
A few Costco members

I'm interested in what made you say this.  I love me some Costco, so maybe I'm part of the cult...

I would also say that this can be true of things like the trans community.  I'm all in support of whatever people want to do and support safety and all that, but I see some social media people where every post, every day, every hour is only about trans things.  It's their entire identity, which can become a little exhausting.  Sometimes, it's exclusionary and dismissive of anyone who isn't that also.

I have also seen it about the war in Gaza.  Like, there's one dude who I'm friends with on socials and his whole personality is just all Gaza, all day.  A lot of "if you can't see this, unfriend me" kind of stuff with this person, too.

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: Phishfan on May 30, 2024, 01:11:42 pm
I'm going to flip one of Hoodie's. I  don't support Trump but I know some people that can't take a break from talking about how bad he is and name calling people from the MAGA group. It is all they do.

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on May 30, 2024, 01:53:04 pm
I'm interested in what made you say this.  I love me some Costco, so maybe I'm part of the cult...

I would also say that this can be true of things like the trans community.  I'm all in support of whatever people want to do and support safety and all that, but I see some social media people where every post, every day, every hour is only about trans things.  It's their entire identity, which can become a little exhausting.  Sometimes, it's exclusionary and dismissive of anyone who isn't that also.

I have also seen it about the war in Gaza.  Like, there's one dude who I'm friends with on socials and his whole personality is just all Gaza, all day.  A lot of "if you can't see this, unfriend me" kind of stuff with this person, too.

I completely disagree with Trans being a cult.  I have never met or heard of a trans person that was actively encouraging people others to become trans.  Same with the rest of LBGTQ.  I have gay friends, never once has any of them told me I ought switch from being hetro to homo or bi.  Never met a gay person who opposes heterosexual marriages. They are perfectly fine with people who wish to remain straight/cis they just want to be free to make their own choices.

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: Dave Gray on May 30, 2024, 02:17:20 pm
I completely disagree with Trans being a cult.  I have never met or heard of a trans person that was actively encouraging people others to become trans.  Same with the rest of LBGTQ.  I have gay friends, never once has any of them told me I ought switch from being hetro to homo or bi.  Never met a gay person who opposes heterosexual marriages. They are perfectly fine with people who wish to remain straight/cis they just want to be free to make their own choices.

They're not trying to make me trans, so they're not a cult in that respect.  But they are exclusionary of non-trans people or their ideas and all issues become about their transness.  That's all I meant.

And this isn't the trans community.  It's individual people that act outside the norm of the movement.

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: Denver2 on May 30, 2024, 02:48:14 pm
Most religions
Some sports fans
A few Costco members
10 years ago I would say vegans but I haven't been harassed by one recently.

To be cult like the person needs to view their life choice to be exclusively the best and be hostile to alternative choices.  I haven't seen that with pickleball, phone brands or coffee shops.

MAGA is just a cult no need to sugar coat it.

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: Denver2 on May 30, 2024, 02:50:03 pm
Yoga fans, now I love the practice but it can get cult like. This goes for anything under the umbrella of “new age”, astrology etc.

There are also cults like MGTOW and the Tate-Peterson sort of influence that preys on teenage boys to indoctrinate them.

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: Dave Gray on May 30, 2024, 03:36:08 pm
Yeah, I think some of those might actually start to be cults.   This thread was supposed to kinda be light-hearted, but now we're getting into some dark shit.

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: CF DolFan on May 30, 2024, 04:04:44 pm
I'm going to flip one of Hoodie's. I  don't support Trump but I know some people that can't take a break from talking about how bad he is and name calling people from the MAGA group. It is all they do.
I wouldn't say all MAGA people but the extreme MAGA people and the Trump Derangement Syndrome people are equally cults. I dare say most people with a Trump sticker or MAGA hat is not certifiable.

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on May 30, 2024, 04:30:31 pm
Opposing a cult doesn't make you a cult.  MAGA is binary and they will destroy and ostracize any one not MAGA.  E.g There is no place in the GOP for Liz Cheney.

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: CF DolFan on May 30, 2024, 05:00:05 pm
Opposing a cult doesn't make you a cult.  MAGA is binary and they will destroy and ostracize any one not MAGA.  E.g There is no place in the GOP for Liz Cheney.
We already knew you were in the TDS group. No need to brag about it. Hahaha

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: Dave Gray on May 30, 2024, 06:02:30 pm
Opposing a cult doesn't make you a cult.  MAGA is binary and they will destroy and ostracize any one not MAGA.  E.g There is no place in the GOP for Liz Cheney.

This is a good point.  They have run out their own people with purity tests.

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: CF DolFan on May 30, 2024, 06:18:02 pm
This is a good point.  They have run out their own people with purity tests.
And that ship has sailed. With the verdict today I can pretty much guarantee most, if not all, Republicans will vote Trump as well as Independents and moderates. Even my liberal friends were admitting he's probably guilty but they produced no evidence to convict him. This trial was literally the opposite of the OJ Simpson trial and it will bring people to the polls who had absolutely no intention of voting. Like everything else so far, I don't think this is going to elicit the kind of reaction they were hoping.

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: Dave Gray on May 30, 2024, 06:21:32 pm
You said before that you weren't going to vote for him.  Are you planning on voting for him now?

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: Spider-Dan on May 30, 2024, 06:27:11 pm
Oh no, all the 2016 and 2020 Trump voters who totally weren't going to vote for him this time have been enraged by his criminal conviction for the same act that his former attorney Michael Cohen already did 2 years for!

The "lesson" here is that we can't ever hold Republicans accountable for their criminal acts or they will get Really Mad and win the election.  But enough of that, let's talk some more about Hunter's laptop and the Biden Crime Family!

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: Denver2 on May 30, 2024, 07:28:44 pm
It shows how morally bankrupt conservatives are that being found guilty of multiple felonies means he should be relected.

Hilarious if it wasn’t so sad and dangerous.

CF may be right though and it’s very possible this maniac is going to win.

Well we all get what we deserve in the end.

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: CF DolFan on May 31, 2024, 08:00:35 am
You said before that you weren't going to vote for him.  Are you planning on voting for him now?
I think I have to. I still can't stand him as a person but I fully believe these trials are a mockery to our political system. Our politicians are out of control on both sides so it only seems fair to have conservatives go after the Dems as well. Somewhere during Obama's presidency the extreme left and extreme right became the voice of the parties and we are reaping the consequences now. Our country has suffered every since. Outside of Biden stepping up and putting a halt to the process I don't see how this ends well.  

It shows how morally bankrupt conservatives are that being found guilty of multiple felonies means he should be relected.

Conservatives? Basically 2/3rds of the country don't care about the results of the trial and that includes most of the Democrats. Few people see these trials as nothing more than political retaliation. I'm guessing many of those who do care do it in a way that doesn't actually support the guilty verdicts.


Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on May 31, 2024, 08:52:55 am
It wasn’t the democratic party who convicted Trump.  It was a jury.  And almost every witness was someone who supported Trump in the 2016 election.

As for the deceptive graphic produced by the National inquirer Daily Mail.  A Trump conviction not effecting who you vote for does not equal not caring about the verdict. I care about the verdict but it won’t doesn’t effect my vote.

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: Fau Teixeira on May 31, 2024, 09:21:05 am
I think I have to. I still can't stand him as a person but I fully believe these trials are a mockery to our political system

is this the conservative version of "i wasn't going to beat my wife, but now that she got mouthy, i have to"?

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: CF DolFan on May 31, 2024, 11:03:23 am
is this the conservative version of "i wasn't going to beat my wife, but now that she got mouthy, i have to"?
If my wife was trying to murder me and I caught her in the act ... then maybe.

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: Spider-Dan on May 31, 2024, 12:37:50 pm
I think I have to. I still can't stand him as a person but I fully believe these trials are a mockery to our political system.
"Look what you made me do" part 1000.

Conservatives are never responsible for the choices that even they acknowledge are bad.  It's always the fault of liberals making them do these things.

Title: Re: What non-cults feel kinda like cults?
Post by: Denver2 on May 31, 2024, 12:47:30 pm
"Look what you made me do" part 1000.

Conservatives are never responsible for the choices that even they acknowledge are bad.  It's always the fault of liberals making them do these things.

Pretty rich from people who preach self reliance lol

Of course as we all know red states only survive because of government subsidies and the elderly conservative right leaning retirees are the biggest beneficiaries of our social programs.