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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: Dave Gray on June 28, 2024, 01:47:20 pm

Title: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Dave Gray on June 28, 2024, 01:47:20 pm
I just don't want to duck the fact that it was a pretty disastrous performance from Biden.  I think I just have to let things level out for the next 48 hours or so, because I think everyone is running around in a panic.  We shall see...

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Fau Teixeira on June 28, 2024, 01:55:37 pm
Biden looked old, because he is old.  But he could be a walking cadaver with barely a pulse and he'd still be 1000x better than Trump.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Denver2 on June 28, 2024, 02:10:21 pm
It was awful no way around it, Trump will win unless there is divine intervention and he has a stroke.

Biden should have not sought a second term months ago but here we are and we need to do something quick because it’s over if that orange maniac he back in power. He will transform this country to a Christian theocracy. He is dangerous and the CiA should make themselves useful for once.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: CF DolFan on June 28, 2024, 03:17:47 pm
I honestly am taken aback from liberals. Everyone has has been watching him and knew exactly how bad he is. I mean seriously... he didn't freaking get prosecuted like Trump is because he is old and lacks competency yet no one thought he'd fail so poorly? I have a hard time buying into that and definitely think there is a back-up plan.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Fau Teixeira on June 28, 2024, 03:29:59 pm
I did hear from my Maga neighbor in florida that people were only electing Biden so he could get assassinated after a week and we'd be stuck with "Kamala" as president.

So really is conspiracy after plot after conspiracy just how the Trumpers think?

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Spider-Dan on June 28, 2024, 03:31:10 pm
It's pretty hilarious to me that Trump gets convicted of 34 felonies and there is not even the slightest whisper of replacing him as nominee, yet Biden has one bad debate and people are pulling their hair out, insisting that Biden Must Be Replaced.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Denver2 on June 28, 2024, 05:00:41 pm
It's pretty hilarious to me that Trump gets convicted of 34 felonies and there is not even the slightest whisper of replacing him as nominee, yet Biden has one bad debate and people are pulling their hair out, insisting that Biden Must Be Replaced.

Trump should have been arrested for treason as soon as Biden was sworn in but alas here we are. Yes Trump should not be on the ballot but conservatives are morally bankrupt and concerned only with power.

Biden has been a great president but the idiot public doesn’t see it that way and he needs to retire so we have a chance at defeating Trump who is a danger to all freedom loving people.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: masterfins on June 28, 2024, 06:02:44 pm
Trump should have been arrested for treason as soon as Biden was sworn in but alas here we are. Yes Trump should not be on the ballot but conservatives are morally bankrupt and concerned only with power.

Biden has been a great president but the idiot public doesn’t see it that way and he needs to retire so we have a chance at defeating Trump who is a danger to all freedom loving people.

Both Democrats and Republican politicians are only concerned with power, don't kid yourself thinking it's only conservatives.

Biden hasn't been a great President.  If you ask the age old question are you better off today than you were four years ago, then a majority of people would say NO.

Biden is not competent to be President, and his wife needs to get him to bow out so someone else can be chosen at the National Convention; and just about anyone they pick will beat Trump.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on June 28, 2024, 09:26:59 pm
No question the debate performance was bad.  But I am not sure if it matters.  I am still going to vote for Biden, CF DolFan is still going to vote for Trump so the majority of people who are firmly in one camp or the other it doesn't matter.

The majority of folks who don't feel particularly strongly about politics, they didn't even know there was a debate. 

But had an interesting conversation with a neighbor who is a lifelong Republican going back to voting for Nixon in 1960, who voted for Biden in 2020 and switched from Republican to Independent after Jan 6th riots.  She said, "Biden is old and a bad debater.  I already knew that.  Doesn't change the fact Trump refused to accept the election and tried to overthrow the government." 

When I asked her if she thought the democrat should replace him her responses was:

"I don't give a crap.  The real question is will the Republicans replace Trump.  Because if Trump is replaced assuming it is with someone decent like Haley or Hogan and not another nut job like Flynn or Guiliani then I can vote Republican.  It isn't Biden that needs to be replaced it is Trump"     

  If you ask the age old question are you better off today than you were four years ago, then a majority of people would say NO.

Really?  Four years ago we were in the worst economic crisis in decades and the stores didn't have toilet paper. 

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Denver2 on June 28, 2024, 09:43:03 pm
Both Democrats and Republican politicians are only concerned with power, don't kid yourself thinking it's only conservatives.

Biden hasn't been a great President.  If you ask the age old question are you better off today than you were four years ago, then a majority of people would say NO.

Biden is not competent to be President, and his wife needs to get him to bow out so someone else can be chosen at the National Convention; and just about anyone they pick will beat Trump.

Four years ago? It’s the same really except unemployment is much lower and tens of thousands of people aren’t dying every week because the government whiffed the response to Covid.

If I’m doing worse it’s because of decisions I’ve made. Biden has done a g re at job from ending Afghanistan which we were endlessly promised by prior administrations, by virtually halting the drone strike program, uniting the west to defend Ukraine and democracy, to having record low unemployment and small successes in the health care sector.

It’s a distinguished presidency but he was saddled by inherited inflation and a government in chaos. COVID spending was bound to cause inflation but even before that Trump was the most reckless spender of any president in my life time.

Fiscal conservatives lol I’m actually a low tax liberal like the governor of my state but come on there was nothing fiscally responsible about the Trump administration.

Trump was already raising prices on things through his tariffs, it just didn’t hit right away.

So once again a democrat cleans up the mess the republicans made just to get blamed for that mess.

Both sides are not the same.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Downunder Dolphan on June 29, 2024, 03:47:57 am
As you can guess, I'm not exactly a Trump fan (even though I probably do the best Trump impersonation in the Southern hemisphere. Seriously. I reckon I'm going to get a lot of mileage out of it the next four years too, if the world doesn't blow itself up)

But that Biden interview was a train wreck in slow motion. There is a one word answer to that hot mess - unelectable. The brain freezes and waffling were Mitch McConnell (ready for the nursing home) level of cringe-worthy. It's way too late for the Democrats to do anything about it, they've made this bed and here they will lie. It's got to be damage limitation from now on, changing the Canditate now is just plain stupid and asking for more carnage at the ballot box.

On the other hand, I have to hand it to Trump and his advisors. He didn't get sucked in by the baiting during the debate, stuck to the script, and did not wing any of it. If he continues with that, he just cannot lose.

I fear for the future of Western Europe (especially Ukraine) but I'm already resigned to a Trump victory.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Sunstroke on June 29, 2024, 09:57:25 am

Honestly, I'm just hoping that someone puts a bullet in Trump's noggin before the election...

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Denver2 on June 29, 2024, 02:17:35 pm
Honestly, I'm just hoping that someone puts a bullet in Trump's noggin before the election...

lol same

I wish the CIA or the “deep state” would make themselves useful for once…

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Spider-Dan on June 29, 2024, 06:29:18 pm
Honestly, I'm just hoping that someone puts a bullet in Trump's noggin before the election...
If either of these candidates are assassinated, things will get much worse in a hurry.
There would be at least a 50% chance that we turn into Russia in less than 2 years.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Sunstroke on June 30, 2024, 02:04:11 am
There would be at least a 50% chance that we turn into Russia in less than 2 years.

...that sounds like a totally made up opinion (though the "at least a 50% chance" and "within two years" are nice touches).

That said, with all due respect to your dystopian musings, I'd still be willing to roll the dice on that bullet...

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Spider-Dan on June 30, 2024, 05:17:32 am
You are, of course, correct: there is no scientifically accurate way to predict the outcome of assassinating presidential candidates.

Though if that's the approach we're taking, your criticism is too gentle by half: there is a zero percent chance that we "turn into Russia" in any time frame, as Russia already exists on the opposite side of the globe and the United States cannot logically occupy that space.

If you're going to interpret statements literally, at least follow through on your swing.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on June 30, 2024, 11:43:41 am
We have had presidential candidates assassinated before. (RFK)

If Biden was assassinated by a Trump supporter -  K Harris would be elected by a landslide.

If Trump was assassinated and was replaced by "normal republican"  -- Haley, Pence, Rubio than the GOP would win and democracy would move along normally. 

If Trump was assassinated and replaced by a hardcore Trumper such as Flynn or Guliani than they would likely win and the country would be in serious threat as the person would use the assassination as an excuse to end democracy.     

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Dave Gray on June 30, 2024, 11:54:30 am
If you ask the age old question are you better off today than you were four years ago, then a majority of people would say NO.

This is a verifiably insane take. 

June 2020 - Unemployment 11%
DOW - 25,595.80
583 deaths were attributed to COVID on June 30, 2020.

June 2024 - Unemployment 4%
DOW - 39,118.86

Not to mention that June 2020 was the high point of the police brutality protests.  June of 2020 was one of the worst times I've ever been alive, in terms of the state of the country.  I am stunned to hear anyone say differently.

You can say legitimate reasons why it's better now that doesn't mean you have to blame Trump for everything, but to say it was better 4 years ago is fucking insanity.  It was legitimately one of the worst times in the history of the country and will go down in the history books as such.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Spider-Dan on June 30, 2024, 02:51:41 pm
We have had presidential candidates assassinated before. (RFK)

If Biden was assassinated by a Trump supporter -  K Harris would be elected by a landslide.
Two things:

1) If Biden was assassinated by a self-avowed Trump supporter, Fox and the rest of the right-wing media would scramble to label the guy a lone wolf, a false flag, a CIA operative, and whatever else they do any time there is a mass shooting by someone who is not a Muslim.  The idea that this would lead to a Dem landslide is pure fantasy, the same as people who thought Sandy Hook or January 6 would change anything in this country.

2) When RFK was assassinated, Democrats lost the election he was running for.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on June 30, 2024, 06:22:07 pm
Two things:

1) If Biden was assassinated by a self-avowed Trump supporter, Fox and the rest of the right-wing media would scramble to label the guy a lone wolf, a false flag, a CIA operative, and whatever else they do any time there is a mass shooting by someone who is not a Muslim.  The idea that this would lead to a Dem landslide is pure fantasy, the same as people who thought Sandy Hook or January 6 would change anything in this country.

2) When RFK was assassinated, Democrats lost the election he was running for.

Yes Fox would paint it that way, but and Trump would still get his loyalists, but Harris would win in a landslide.

RFK wasn’t killed by a Nixon supporter.  He was killed by a Palestinian who was upset at RFKs support for Israel.  In the election the candidate with a stronger support for Israel won.   

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Sunstroke on June 30, 2024, 07:25:19 pm
If you're going to interpret statements literally, at least follow through on your swing.

I really didn't interpret it that literally... Perhaps you should throw your curves in the strike zone...

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: CF DolFan on June 30, 2024, 08:38:53 pm
This is a verifiably insane take. 

June 2020 - Unemployment 11%
DOW - 25,595.80
583 deaths were attributed to COVID on June 30, 2020.

June 2024 - Unemployment 4%
DOW - 39,118.86

Not to mention that June 2020 was the high point of the police brutality protests.  June of 2020 was one of the worst times I've ever been alive, in terms of the state of the country.  I am stunned to hear anyone say differently.

You can say legitimate reasons why it's better now that doesn't mean you have to blame Trump for everything, but to say it was better 4 years ago is fucking insanity.  It was legitimately one of the worst times in the history of the country and will go down in the history books as such.
LMAO .. outside of the fake "police brutality numbers"  that were disproved by not 1 but 2 Harvard studies, you take numbers from when Covid shut the world down and try to pretend returning slightly is an improvement over the conditions we were in heading into Covid. I get it is semantics but c'mon ... do you really expect anyone to but that we weren't better off financially under Trump? Many people in this country can't afford groceries or fuel today because everything is so much more expensive and amount of BS semantic talk is going to change their minds that they are better off today .. even with toilet paper on the self. hahaha

I've said it many times. 33% are always going to vote Democrat and ignore anything negative within their party and 33% of Republicans will do the same. Elections are won and lost on the middle ground people. Reading this thread it is painfully obvious which 1/3rd this website is in the tank for. Trump is a piece of chit as a person but he didn't do a bad job as president.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Spider-Dan on June 30, 2024, 09:15:17 pm
The US had the worst COVID response on the planet, due directly to the response of the Trump Administration.  Acting like he gets a pass for something that happened on his watch after he dismantled the pandemic response plans Obama gave him is just another attempt to avoid responsibility.

The idea that people can't afford groceries is absurd.  Setting aside the significant increases in wages under Biden, are we supposed to believe that there is an outbreak of Americans starving to death because they can't afford food?

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Dave Gray on July 01, 2024, 09:31:50 am
I think CF is in conspiracy land with thinking that Biden should get prosecuted, so that's not what I'm here for.  He's in the alt-right weirdo QANON conspiracy talk-radio bubble.

But internally, within my own political sphere, I see weird in-fighting.  There seem to be two camps.  One wants to barrel ahead with Biden and thinks that any discussion of what we witnessed with that debate is giving Trump the election.  The other camp seems to think that sticking with Biden means we're giving Trump the election.

It's apparent to me that Biden shouldn't be our leader because he's way too old.  He's been too old for 15 years and I've said this again and again.  He isn't, however, a threat to democracy like Trump, who is a bad leader, a bad person, and I legitimately believe is the path to ending us having a free America.  I would vote for Biden gladly when the time comes.  But it's a shame that he is in the race at all.  I don't know that Biden is out to lunch mentally, necessarily, but at the very least isn't able to communicate clearly, which is part of being president and almost all of being a candidate.

I just question from a civics perspective how you'd even go about replacing Biden.  He would have to want to step aside.  And then, Harris is really the only person where it would be a smooth transition, in terms of where the money goes and keeping the staff in place.  I don't think she's the most popular choice, either, but the optics of removing a black woman who is next in line to replace her with a white dude is a pretty bad look.  I do think that a brokered convention would be exciting and would kind of clear the table with some Gaza issues the party is facing.  We'd also get a big bunch of news cycles out of it.  It just ain't happenin' though.  The ego and ambition that it takes to run for president (and be president) means that you're just not the kind of person who's gonna walk away willingly.

We have rough times ahead, regardless.

I hope we get through this...."we" meaning the Democratic party, but more largely, America.  The slow creep towards fascism isn't such a slow creep anymore.  I don't know that America can survive 4 more years of Trump.  Checks and balances are dead.  He'll personally control the voting majority of the Supreme Court, has the Congress in his pocket and he replaced competency with "yes men" in so many places already.  It's scary.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Denver2 on July 01, 2024, 11:29:57 am
I think CF is in conspiracy land with thinking that Biden should get prosecuted, so that's not what I'm here for.  He's in the alt-right weirdo QANON conspiracy talk-radio bubble.

But internally, within my own political sphere, I see weird in-fighting.  There seem to be two camps.  One wants to barrel ahead with Biden and thinks that any discussion of what we witnessed with that debate is giving Trump the election.  The other camp seems to think that sticking with Biden means we're giving Trump the election.

It's apparent to me that Biden shouldn't be our leader because he's way too old.  He's been too old for 15 years and I've said this again and again.  He isn't, however, a threat to democracy like Trump, who is a bad leader, a bad person, and I legitimately believe is the path to ending us having a free America.  I would vote for Biden gladly when the time comes.  But it's a shame that he is in the race at all.  I don't know that Biden is out to lunch mentally, necessarily, but at the very least isn't able to communicate clearly, which is part of being president and almost all of being a candidate.

I just question from a civics perspective how you'd even go about replacing Biden.  He would have to want to step aside.  And then, Harris is really the only person where it would be a smooth transition, in terms of where the money goes and keeping the staff in place.  I don't think she's the most popular choice, either, but the optics of removing a black woman who is next in line to replace her with a white dude is a pretty bad look.  I do think that a brokered convention would be exciting and would kind of clear the table with some Gaza issues the party is facing.  We'd also get a big bunch of news cycles out of it.  It just ain't happenin' though.  The ego and ambition that it takes to run for president (and be president) means that you're just not the kind of person who's gonna walk away willingly.

We have rough times ahead, regardless.

I hope we get through this...."we" meaning the Democratic party, but more largely, America.  The slow creep towards fascism isn't such a slow creep anymore.  I don't know that America can survive 4 more years of Trump.  Checks and balances are dead.  He'll personally control the voting majority of the Supreme Court, has the Congress in his pocket and he replaced competency with "yes men" in so many places already.  It's scary.

And after todays ruling, Trump would be president with near blanket immunity.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on July 01, 2024, 04:41:29 pm
And after todays ruling, Trump would be president with near blanket immunity.

So now does every president -- Biden could order Seal Team Six to assassinate Trump and he would be immune.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Denver2 on July 01, 2024, 05:30:30 pm
So now does every president -- Biden could order Seal Team Six to assassinate Trump and he would be immune.

He should do it

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Dave Gray on July 01, 2024, 06:16:23 pm
The irony is that the same people that are flying a Don't Tread on Me flag are going to be cheering giving unchecked King-like power to one man.

Tread harder, daddy.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Spider-Dan on July 01, 2024, 06:22:30 pm
So now does every president -- Biden could order Seal Team Six to assassinate Trump and he would be immune.
No, there is a convenient loophole for use in case of Democrat.

SCOTUS ruled that a President has complete criminal immunity for "official acts," with the determination of what does and does not constitute an "official act" being subject to the discretion of the judiciary.  (In this specific instance, this case was remanded back down to the lower courts precisely to determine which of Trump's acts were "official.")

So if Biden (or any other Democratic president) were to, say, incite a violent mob to invade the Capitol to overthrow an election, this SCOTUS would quickly determine that such incitement was not an "official act" and would therefore be subject to criminal prosecution.

Interestingly, under this new ruling, if Richard Nixon had personally directed the CIA to infiltrate the Watergate hotel to steal documents from the Democratic National Committee HQ, this would be considered an entirely legal and constitutional act.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: CF DolFan on July 02, 2024, 05:19:41 pm
I think CF is in conspiracy land with thinking that Biden should get prosecuted, so that's not what I'm here for.  He's in the alt-right weirdo QANON conspiracy talk-radio bubble

You sir have lost your ever loving mind and I seriously mean that.

He was not declared legally incompetent to stand trial but when the special council says "At trial, Mr Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,"  it sure as hell isn't saying he is competent to stand before a jury and if he isn't capable of that why in the heck would you think he is fit to lead the free world?

hahaha  I can never guess how crazy you people can get.  It really doesn't  do anything for me to post on here and it certainly doesn't do anything for you guys. You on the other hand continually open to my eyes to how crazy it can get. Carry on with hearing your own opinions amongst the few of you.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Dave Gray on July 02, 2024, 05:52:33 pm
Joe Biden isn't on trial and no charges have been brought against him.  It's just right-wing hopium.

I don't think Biden is qualified to lead the free world.  That isn't my take at all.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Spider-Dan on July 02, 2024, 09:34:21 pm
He was not declared legally incompetent to stand trial but when the special council says "At trial, Mr Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,"  it sure as hell isn't saying he is competent to stand before a jury and if he isn't capable of that why in the heck would you think he is fit to lead the free world?
Just like James Comey with Hillary's e-mails, we have another Republican official who, while acknowledging that there are no legally justifiable grounds to go further in the investigation, nevertheless feels the need to slander a Democrat on the way out.  And when Robert Hur was asked by Congress why he said Biden couldn't remember the date of his son's death when the transcript showed that he clearly did, we get mumbling and stumbling from Hur in response.

But let's suppose that you're right, CF, and Biden is not mentally fit to lead the free world.  Why should any Democrat care?  You personally voted twice for a morally bankrupt, thrice-married serial adulterer who openly brags about sexually assaulting women and has been found to have committed hundreds of millions of dollars of fraud; a convicted felon 34 times over.  Not only is he morally unfit as a person, he has went on the world stage and toadied to Putin, saying that he trusts what Putin tells him over the United States' own intelligence agencies.  Despite all that, why did you vote twice for this obviously unqualified candidate?  Well:

It's a direct reference to enjoying a candidate that isnt afraid to throw your issues in your face. In other words ... the candidate triggers you so it makes it enjoyable for me. the fact we align on political issues is irrevalent in that conversation.
So, yeah: I have no interest in your concerns about Biden's fitness.

You have already previously justified your votes for Trump as means to an end.  So if that's how politics is played, why should anyone listen to this pearl-clutching about Biden's unfitness to serve?  Biden (or "his handlers"; either way works) will nominate liberal judges, sign liberal laws, and veto conservative laws.  So based on the rules of voting that YOU use, why should any Democrat care if Biden's literally in a coma?

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Denver2 on July 03, 2024, 09:09:36 am
Just like James Comey with Hillary's e-mails, we have another Republican official who, while acknowledging that there are no legally justifiable grounds to go further in the investigation, nevertheless feels the need to slander a Democrat on the way out.  And when Robert Hur was asked by Congress why he said Biden couldn't remember the date of his son's death when the transcript showed that he clearly did, we get mumbling and stumbling from Hur in response.

But let's suppose that you're right, CF, and Biden is not mentally fit to lead the free world.  Why should any Democrat care?  You personally voted twice for a morally bankrupt, thrice-married serial adulterer who openly brags about sexually assaulting women and has been found to have committed hundreds of millions of dollars of fraud; a convicted felon 34 times over.  Not only is he morally unfit as a person, he has went on the world stage and toadied to Putin, saying that he trusts what Putin tells him over the United States' own intelligence agencies.  Despite all that, why did you vote twice for this obviously unqualified candidate?  Well:
So, yeah: I have no interest in your concerns about Biden's fitness.

You have already previously justified your votes for Trump as means to an end.  So if that's how politics is played, why should anyone listen to this pearl-clutching about Biden's unfitness to serve?  Biden (or "his handlers"; either way works) will nominate liberal judges, sign liberal laws, and veto conservative laws.  So based on the rules of voting that YOU use, why should any Democrat care if Biden's literally in a coma?

Any democrat in a coma would be better than any republican in an race in any part of the country.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Downunder Dolphan on July 03, 2024, 09:24:31 am
The thing is... and this is from an outsider looking in at your country.

There are rusted-on voters who vote for Republicans or Democrats, no matter what. Even with the most extreme events during a campaign, they will do that every time. There are some complications because of the collegiate system, but ultimately that's the baseline around which everything else happens.

There are more rusted-on Republicans than rusted-on Democrats. If anyone has another argument, I'd like to hear it. Everything I have seen over the last 50+ years supports that.

Voting is not compulsory in the USA, so if people are fed up with both parties, they can chose not to vote. Or if they are lazy, or just don't care.

By that structure, if the occasional/swinging voters stay away, the Republicans (Trump) win. The prospect of Trump being a convicted felon, a liar, a megalomaniac and a potential Dictator doesn't phase the rusted-on Republican voter one bit. They will go out and vote for him.

On the other hand, Biden needs people to give a crap about something to get off their asses and vote for him. A sizeable chunk of the Islamic Americans that voted for him last time are pissed off about what's happening in Gaza, and that's going to hurt. They are not going to vote for Trump, but that doesn't matter - what matters more is they are not going to vote at all.

People being spooked by Biden's brain melt at the debate is a lot more devastating than whatever was said by Trump (partly because that has largely been ignored by the media, also partly it's because he has a bigger base that just doesn't care). The undecided/swinging/potential non-voters are the ones swayed by this not to vote, and that's bad news for the Democrats. It's in Trump's interest that people are so disillusioned they can take the easy road out, or make a badly misjudged protest by not voting at all - and that's exactly what will happen.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Pappy13 on July 03, 2024, 12:03:20 pm
Honestly, I'm just hoping that someone puts a bullet in Trump's noggin before the election...
And the President should hire the shooter as an official act and then pardon the guy.

Then we can start looking at members of the supreme court. Seems a few of them need a wake up call.

I'm being facetious, but just barely.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Spider-Dan on July 03, 2024, 12:26:49 pm
Wouldn't even need to hire him.  You can just pardon him - a textbook official act - and that official act, by definition, cannot possibly be a crime.

When Nixon said, "If the president does it, it is not illegal," he was just 50 years ahead of Republican jurisprudence.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Dave Gray on July 03, 2024, 12:29:45 pm
Those that are supporting this are only thinking about Trump.  They're not thinking 50 years in the future where we have someone who just disobeys the laws and stays in power.

Title: Re: The Presidential Debate
Post by: Spider-Dan on July 03, 2024, 12:37:57 pm
They're not thinking 50 years in the future where we have someone who just disobeys the laws and stays in power.

They are actively hoping this ruling starts being put into practice next year, not 50 years from now.  A president "disobeying the law and staying in power" is not some sort of unintended consequence, it's the goal.