Title: What are you a snob about? Post by: Dave Gray on July 19, 2024, 01:20:13 pm Are you snobby when it comes to beer? Scotch? Literature? Technology? Automobiles?
For me, it's television. I just don't really give network TV a second thought. I'm just too good for it. The format for network TV is to stay on the air, appeal to the network's demographic (usually old people) until the show becomes unpopular and then gets cancelled. It's a fully corporatized model, rarely (but sometimes) guided by an artistic hand. There's just too much good TV on streaming and premiere platforms to watch CBS dramas. Once in a while, a show will slip through and a showrunner will have enough power and vision to do the right thing, but by and large, every one of these shows is on the air too long and peters out because the viewership died off. Title: Re: What are you a snob about? Post by: Spider-Dan on July 19, 2024, 01:56:59 pm Operating systems.
Can't stand Apple, on a computer, tablet, or phone. Title: Re: What are you a snob about? Post by: SCFinfan on July 19, 2024, 02:34:21 pm I have a strong distaste for poor lawyering. There are real estate guys who pop into the criminal defense world from time to time thinking they can just handle a matter.
They can't. It's cringe. Title: Re: What are you a snob about? Post by: Pappy13 on July 19, 2024, 08:04:55 pm I wouldn't call it snobby per se, but I detest most TV series. Not a weekly show mind you where there really isn't a begining and an end, but something where there's like 8 episodes and the story starts with episode 1 and will end in episode 8. I find that 95% of the time the story starts taking all these excursions away from the main story that really have nothing to do with the main story, but they are just padding the story. Some people like that, I find it infuriating, just stick to the main story. If it's not relevant to the main story than I don't care. I like movies. You get 2-4 hours to present the whole thing. There's no time for excursions. Occasionally a story requires more than a couple hours to tell so I don't mind a sequel or 2 if it's appropriate, but it better be appropriate. Lord of Rings was. The Hobbit wasn't.
I will watch a series from time to time and occasionally a series will surprise me. One that really surprised me recently was Fool Me Once. I thought it was starting to get off track and nearly turned it off after a couple episode but I stayed with it for some reason and everything came back to be important to the story in the end even though you didn't realize it was going to be. That was a good one. Most of them aren't like that. Title: Re: What are you a snob about? Post by: Phishfan on July 19, 2024, 09:26:42 pm Blue jeans. I will only buy Levi's.