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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: dolphins4life on July 22, 2024, 10:47:12 pm

Title: Caravans begin coming to the Southern Border
Post by: dolphins4life on July 22, 2024, 10:47:12 pm

Is this really what you want four more years of?

We are full as it is right now.  

So, are you saying that we DON'T have millions of illegals streaming across our border right now?

Is this all just fancy optical illusions by Republicans?

Border Security absolutely should not even be a political issue

Title: Re: Caravans begin coming to the Southern Border
Post by: Dave Gray on July 22, 2024, 11:15:47 pm
You guys already did the caravan thing once before and then the problem magically disappeared because it was drummed up bullshit.  That won’t play twice.  You’ll need something different to scare old white people this time.  I’m sure you’ll think of something.

Title: Re: Caravans begin coming to the Southern Border
Post by: Denver2 on July 22, 2024, 11:51:37 pm
Trump had his minions block the strictest border bill ever so go away with this nonsense.

Title: Re: Caravans begin coming to the Southern Border
Post by: Brian Fein on July 23, 2024, 04:58:39 pm
Even if this were true, why do you care so much?  Because Trump told you to?