Title: Stinky feet Post by: dolphins4life on September 03, 2024, 06:27:25 pm I have noticed that my feet have started to stink recently.
Do you know if they make colognes specifically for people's feet? Title: Re: Stinky feet Post by: Dave Gray on September 03, 2024, 10:52:44 pm Yes, they do.
I used some stuff for a while that was kinda minty and tingly....like it was tea tree oil-based or something like that. I believe it had an alcohol in it, too. It wasn't just meant to mask the odor, but it was also meant to kill the bacteria. It was something like this, which is available in your regular pharmacy like Walgreens or CVS: (https://pics.walgreens.com/prodimg/645221/900.jpg) But also, wash your feet really good. Stink in your armpits/crotch/feet happens because of bacteria created because the pores release different things than, say, the sweat on the back of your legs. So, you want to kill that bacteria and then use the spritz as a 2nd line of defense. Title: Re: Stinky feet Post by: Sibster on September 04, 2024, 10:32:35 am Do you wear socks?