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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: dolphins4life on October 16, 2024, 01:19:32 pm

Title: Early voting starts in Georgia
Post by: dolphins4life on October 16, 2024, 01:19:32 pm
I am a huge proponent of requiring some effort by the electorate.

Early voting is fine with me.  This allows more people to put the effort in to vote.

Mail-in voting is completely stupid.  They tell you not to send cash by mail, so it's stupid to send in ballots by mail.

Georgia is a key state.  It could even be possible to say who wins Georgia will win the election.  

This where Ron DeSantis really hurts the GOP.  Many people from the GOP moved from Georgia to Florida during Biden's administration.


Mail in voting is completely stupid IN MOST CASES.  Yes, overseas military personal should be allowed to vote.

If you don't have a car, get an Uber or a cab

If you are disabled, there must be some accommodations we can make to help.

There is no way we can safely ensure that all mail in ballots will not be tampered with in some way.

Double edit: 

I watched a documentary on how COVID impacted the US Economy and it confirmed that Trump was working wonders with our economy before the pandemic.  When you vote, remember that.  Ever since Biden came along, it's been a disaster

Title: Re: Early voting starts in Georgia
Post by: Spider-Dan on October 16, 2024, 01:25:37 pm
Mail-in voting is completely stupid.  They tell you not to send cash by mail, so it's stupid to send in ballots by mail.
This would eliminate the ability of many active-duty troops to vote.

There is no evidence that there is any meaningful risk to mail in voting.  Millions of people trust the mail for their mortgage payments, so why shouldn't they trust it for voting?

Title: Re: Early voting starts in Georgia
Post by: Dave Gray on October 16, 2024, 06:22:13 pm
Re: Mail-In, you can also verify that it's been received.  It's not like if its lost, you just never know about it.

Title: Re: Early voting starts in Georgia
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on October 16, 2024, 06:35:55 pm
I am a huge proponent of requiring some effort by the electorate.

Mail-in voting is completely stupid. 

Why do you want to disenfranchise voters?

Military personnel deployed overseas shouldn't have a say in who their commander and chief?

People who don't own cars shouldn't be able to participate in our democracy?   

People with medical/mobility issues shouldn't be allowed to vote?

Title: Re: Early voting starts in Georgia
Post by: Phishfan on October 16, 2024, 08:30:34 pm
Don't forget mail in voting for college students who traveled half way across the country but still maintained residence with their home state.

Title: Re: Early voting starts in Georgia
Post by: Dave Gray on October 16, 2024, 11:48:25 pm
I don't use it but much of my family does.  They just like having it done.  I also think that they like to be able to take their time reading the things carefully and not to feel rushed in the booth.

Title: Re: Early voting starts in Georgia
Post by: Sunstroke on October 17, 2024, 10:46:11 am

I use mail-in voting for that exact reason...I like to take my time and read through all of the individual ballot measures and propositions.

Title: Re: Early voting starts in Georgia
Post by: Fau Teixeira on October 17, 2024, 12:50:59 pm
if you can pay taxes online you should be able to vote online. The only reason you can't is because people want to prevent universal suffrage.

Title: Re: Early voting starts in Georgia
Post by: Spider-Dan on October 17, 2024, 12:56:19 pm
I am a huge proponent of requiring some effort by the electorate.
I have yet to see any usage of this statement that has not turned out to be code for, "Too many American citizens are voting nowadays and I would like there to be fewer."

For example, I've never seen anyone say that there should be more effort required for free speech, or that it should be harder to receive a trial if you are accused of a crime.

Title: Re: Early voting starts in Georgia
Post by: Phishfan on October 17, 2024, 01:13:58 pm
I have never used mail in voting but I understand why some do. I'm m healthy and mobile so I get off my ass and go. I do however utilize early voting to help get through the lines easier.

As for studying the ballot,  I get a sample ballot every election . It has every thing that goes on the ballot so I can educate myself ahead. Doesn't every one get this? I can't imagine going to vote at the ballot box and feeling that I still need to learn about what I am voting on.

Title: Re: Early voting starts in Georgia
Post by: Dave Gray on October 17, 2024, 01:26:19 pm
As for studying the ballot,  I get a sample ballot every election . It has every thing that goes on the ballot so I can educate myself ahead. Doesn't every one get this? I can't imagine going to vote at the ballot box and feeling that I still need to learn about what I am voting on.

Yes, I get it.  And I study it and go online and see who is funding which initiatives.  I talk to my family about it and I seek out experts in the fields to get more info on "what is this actually proposing?"

But not everyone does that.  It's an extra layer to have to remember and keep the ballot and bring it with you and all that.  And it's effort that I do, but not everyone does.  Mail-in just removes that step for a lot of people.

The only negative with mail-in voting is that I think it can reduce the "secret ballot" nature of voting.  I don't want children to have to vote a certain way to not anger their parents.  I don't want wives to have to vote like their husbands.  I don't want churches or your boss to be able to see your ballot and help you fill it out, etc.  I don't know if this is necessarily a problem but it does give me pause.

Title: Re: Early voting starts in Georgia
Post by: Spider-Dan on October 17, 2024, 02:17:09 pm
Because I'm not discussing this thread in PMs:

Quote from: dolphins4life PM
No, it means that I want our elections to be secure and safe.  Allowing extensive mail-in balloting allows many opportunities for fraud and manipulation.  For example, an elderly patient with dementia could be persuaded by her Democratic aide to fill out a ballot for Harris without knowing he or she is doing so.
There is no evidence of increased fraud or manipulation with mail-in balloting, be it "extensive" or not.  Furthermore, the argument that mail-in voters can be coerced could also apply to an active duty serviceman with his commanding officer looking over his shoulder as he fills out his ballot.

If there is an argument against the security of mail-in voting, that argument does not disappear when you put on an Armed Forces uniform.  Absentee voting has been proven safe & secure for our troops and everyone else, too.

Have you ever mailed your mortgage payment IN CASH through the mail?
I'm not mailing cash with my ballot, so I don't see what this has to do with anything.

Cash is unsafe to mail because cash requires no authentication or verification to use.  Voting by mail does require authentication and verification to be counted.  It's no less secure than mailing a check, which I've done hundreds of times without an issue.

Title: Re: Early voting starts in Georgia
Post by: Pappy13 on October 18, 2024, 10:35:47 am
Mail-in voting is completely stupid.  They tell you not to send cash by mail, so it's stupid to send in ballots by mail.
Apples to Oranges. They tell you not to send cash by mail, they don't for instance tell you not to send a check by mail. There's nothing wrong with putting documents in the mail.