Title: 2000 Election Post by: dolphins4life on December 12, 2024, 01:06:41 pm The US Supreme Court decided the election on this day in 2000.
Was it a just ruling, or was simply because the conservative justices wanted Bush to win? Title: Re: 2000 Election Post by: Dave Gray on December 13, 2024, 09:29:56 am Who knows intentions, but I think that courts, historically, don't want to upset the bigger flow of the country and, in general, try to stay out of shit and let it play out.
There were some sketchy factors at play, but one could argue "that's politics, man" and it was unlikely that the Supreme Court was going to outright overturn the election. But there was no official winner yet and Gore was allowed recounts and challenges and all that. While they may have been unlikely to be successful (and I think they were unlikely), he decided not to do it "for the good of the country". That concept is dead. But yeah...the difference is that Al Gore thought it was better to lose than the upheaval that came with the fight. He conceded the election for norms. We just aren't there any more. |