Title: I still wish we could pay to move out of the AFC East Post by: dolphins4life on December 16, 2024, 01:21:45 pm First Brady, now Josh Allen
Miami plays SF. Both teams have the same record. The difference is, SF is in the playoff race, Miami is virtually eliminated. Title: Re: I still wish we could pay to move out of the AFC East Post by: CF DolFan on December 16, 2024, 03:10:37 pm I do too but for different reasons. I hate that we play late season games that matter in bad weather conditions and unless we win our division we are playing a playoff game in even worse conditions. We should be in a division with Jacksonville, Texas, and Tennessee and let the northeastern teams fight it out amongst themselves. Seems like Miami is the only team where all division rivals are in a completely different weather zone and we don't seem to be able to get past that.