Title: RIP President James Carter Post by: masterfins on December 29, 2024, 04:47:00 pm President Carter wasn't a very successful President, inflation and the economy doomed his Presidency. The U.S. Embassy hostages taken in Iran, and the failed rescue attempt also doomed his re-election. He had great success with the Israel and Egypt peace accord which still lasts to today. As a human being they don't come much better than President Carter. May he Rest in Peace, he certainly earned it.
Title: Re: RIP President James Carter Post by: Phishfan on December 29, 2024, 05:16:17 pm RIP. One of the great homanitarians
Title: Re: RIP President James Carter Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on December 29, 2024, 07:06:38 pm He wasn't the best president this country has ever had. But he is the best man to have been president,
Title: Re: RIP President James Carter Post by: Denver2 on December 29, 2024, 07:48:58 pm RIP
He was a better president than he was given credit for but was sabotaged by inflation and Middle East crises, and he often undermined himself with communication to the public, just like Biden. They were similar Presidents. Well if we’re starting the 80s again we’re gonna be in for a wild ride. Title: Re: RIP President James Carter Post by: CF DolFan on December 30, 2024, 08:39:35 am I think Charlie Kirk nailed it "Jimmy Carter was a failed president, but a decent man who tried his best to serve America throughout his long and distinguished life. He was a sincere Christian, and nobody could ever accuse him of simply trying to loot the country and cash in, like so many of today’s Washington oligarchs."
Besides that he was a huge Braves fan so there was that ... We need more Jimmy Carter's on both sides. RIP President Carter. Title: Re: RIP President James Carter Post by: Sibster on December 30, 2024, 09:07:49 am I agree with the consensus here. He wasn't a very good president but he was a good man. Even during the pandemic, when he was elderly and infirm, he was out there helping others in any way he could.
R.I.P. |