Title: Movie Review: Trekkies Post by: Dave Gray on January 12, 2006, 11:01:32 am Premise: A documentary into the lives of Star Trek fanatics.
Rating: Good. These people are freaks. I can't really say that enough. One woman wears her Star Trek uniform to work, and makes everyone call her "commander". There are other families that all have rank and wear Star Trek clothes around on a regular basis. There is a freak factor to this, but underneath it all, there is a good message: that Star Trek is all about tolerance and doing the right thing. ...and that these people, while totally socially inept, are very inviting and friendly. ...and that the world should be just like Star Trek, with every race living together in harmony. PS - Seriously, these people are whacked. Title: Re: Movie Review: Trekkies Post by: run_to_win on January 12, 2006, 08:24:30 pm Anyone remember William Shatner on Saturday Night Live?
"Get a life people!" Title: Re: Movie Review: Trekkies Post by: Frimp on January 12, 2006, 08:31:20 pm I like Star Trek, but I dont own anything Trek related. I like the shows and the movies. Thats it.