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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: Jim Gray on January 13, 2006, 09:41:21 pm

Title: If You Enjoy Fishing....
Post by: Jim Gray on January 13, 2006, 09:41:21 pm
In December, I spent some time in India.  While I was there, I did some fishing for masheer on the Cauvery River.  It was a unique experience, more like a safari.  We stayed in log huts in a jungle wildlife preserve.  I caught 3 masheer, the one below being the biggest.


Title: Re: If You Enjoy Fishing....
Post by: Philly Fin Fan on January 13, 2006, 09:49:32 pm
Holy Crap! that is a big fish!

Title: Re: If You Enjoy Fishing....
Post by: Thundergod on January 14, 2006, 02:10:57 am
umm,  WOW!   :o

Title: Re: If You Enjoy Fishing....
Post by: bsfins on January 14, 2006, 04:40:00 am
It looks like a BIG F'en Carp/catfish crossbreed...That's awsome.I'm curious to know what you caught that thing on?

Title: Re: If You Enjoy Fishing....
Post by: Philly Fin Fan on January 14, 2006, 06:01:36 am
I'm curious to know what you caught that thing on?

Come on Lil B! This is Jim Gray we're talking about! Can't you see the pic? He reached right into the river with his BARE HANDS and grabbed that sonofabitch!

Title: Re: If You Enjoy Fishing....
Post by: Sunstroke on January 14, 2006, 07:06:53 am

Come on Lil B! This is Jim Gray we're talking about! Can't you see the pic? He reached right into the river with his BARE HANDS and grabbed that sonofabitch!

Legend has it that the Great Gray Hunter dove from the boat and tackled the scaley beast as it attempted to escape over Cauvery Falls. Over 300 feet into the mist below the two combatants fell, grappling and turning, hacking and biting, each trying to gain an advantage over the other. Right before they landed, Jim reached up the river monster's ass and pulled out its spine (which he now wears as a ceremonial belt).  

Title: Re: If You Enjoy Fishing....
Post by: Dave Gray on January 14, 2006, 07:29:16 am
He stood 7 feet tall, he did.  He had hair as red as fire, and his eyes were stone cold gray.