Title: NOOOOOOOOOOOO....... Post by: VidKid on January 18, 2006, 01:41:11 pm Most people here know i'm a bit of a comic book geek. :) But a man can only take so much before he must end it all. If this is truly the 'new' Spiderman, then so be it. All good things must come to an end. And so will my fan-dom. I am so tired of justifying what Marvel does. I try so hard to back them, but the Clone Saga, the New Avengers, and now this. I have always hung on to my Spiderman ties. It was my childhood, my hero.
As i've grown and my tastes have changed I've moved to TME and enjoyed great storytelling, wonderful characters and art. And most of all, less selling out then the 'other' companies. (DC / Marvel). But I have always stuck to Spiderman. ALWAYS! People here may laugh at me. Call me a geek, tell me i'm taking this way too serious. They will tell me that it will only last so long before they write a story returning Peter Parker to his roots. To the blue and red icon costume we all grew up loving. This was my childhood. To them i can only say, I hope so, and maybe, just maybe, they can convert me back. But this is straight from Marvel's corporate page. Set to debut in Feb. '06. And i think they have finally lost me. It's been a great run, with many memories. I will miss you. http://www.comixfan.com/xfan/images/previews/marvel/lrg_ironspidey_001.jpg Title: Re: NOOOOOOOOOOOO....... Post by: CRASSMONSTER on January 18, 2006, 01:42:38 pm OK forbidden to see the web site...You must be a geek...Kiddin!
Title: Re: NOOOOOOOOOOOO....... Post by: Sunstroke on January 18, 2006, 01:42:40 pm As a Spiderman nut as well...I was eager to check this out, but clicking on that link pops a "Forbidden" message on my browser. :'(
Title: Re: NOOOOOOOOOOOO....... Post by: TonyB0D on January 18, 2006, 01:47:40 pm me too, until i hit the refresh button ;)
Title: Re: NOOOOOOOOOOOO....... Post by: VidKid on January 18, 2006, 01:49:23 pm It must have been cached cuz i can click the link and it goes straight there. But here it is:
(http://predatorhosting.com/preview/temp/lrg_ironspidey_001.jpg) Title: Re: NOOOOOOOOOOOO....... Post by: Dave Gray on January 18, 2006, 01:50:53 pm Is that supposed to be a side-story or something? What exactly are they doing? ...and it seems pretty hard to tell a story about a teenager for 50 years. Does Spidey age?
Title: Re: NOOOOOOOOOOOO....... Post by: CRASSMONSTER on January 18, 2006, 01:55:10 pm Quote Is that supposed to be a side-story or something? What exactly are they doing? ...and it seems pretty hard to tell a story about a teenager for 50 years. Does Spidey age? Ummm Dave don't you know anything Spiderman and Rick Flair were both bit by a radioactive spider that gave them true imortallity. Title: Re: NOOOOOOOOOOOO....... Post by: Denver_Bronco on January 18, 2006, 01:55:14 pm Quote It must have been cached cuz i can click the link and it goes straight there. But here it is: Is that thing from the X-files or what ? what the hell is that supposed to be ?(http://predatorhosting.com/preview/temp/lrg_ironspidey_001.jpg) Title: Re: NOOOOOOOOOOOO....... Post by: JVides on January 18, 2006, 01:58:58 pm That's, um...pretty sad.
Title: Re: NOOOOOOOOOOOO....... Post by: Philly Fin Fan on January 18, 2006, 01:59:53 pm That looks like the spiderman from when Marvel ran that "2099" series, which was suppossed to be in the future. The website also has "iron spidey" in the address, so maybe its some sort of stupid crossover between Spidey and Iron Man, like the Marvel/ DC Amalgam books they put out once.
Title: Re: NOOOOOOOOOOOO....... Post by: Philly Fin Fan on January 18, 2006, 02:04:36 pm Damn, I'm good. I went to Marvel's website and read the story.
http://www.marvel.com/publishing/stories/showstory.htm?id=67 It sounds like it will be a storyline that will eventually get written off. Kind of like when Spidey had the black symbiote costume. Title: Re: NOOOOOOOOOOOO....... Post by: jtex316 on January 18, 2006, 02:08:49 pm That does look atrocious. Damn... I've shit better designs out of my ass then that.
Title: Re: NOOOOOOOOOOOO....... Post by: Dave Gray on January 18, 2006, 02:11:44 pm Quote That does look atrocious. Â Damn... Â I've shit better designs out of my ass then that. Yes....the short-lived "peanut man". Title: Re: NOOOOOOOOOOOO....... Post by: VidKid on January 18, 2006, 02:13:10 pm I know that the storyline will eventually end. And all will return to normal. It just bothers me that instead of good artwork, good storylines, they choose cheesy gimics and stuff. Marvel has been doing this for years, with multiple characters. They never really try to improve, just re-do stuff over and over again with the same people over and over again.
Title: Re: NOOOOOOOOOOOO....... Post by: AZ Fins Fan 55 on January 18, 2006, 02:34:55 pm That picture is atrocious!!!!! Sorry for your loss!!!!
Title: Re: NOOOOOOOOOOOO....... Post by: GUATARICCAN on January 18, 2006, 03:08:57 pm Well apparently they are also returning Wolverine to his old brown and tan costume as well. So maybe Marvel is having a make over year.
Title: Re: NOOOOOOOOOOOO....... Post by: JVides on January 19, 2006, 11:58:17 am Quote Well apparently they are also returning Wolverine to his old brown and tan costume as well. So maybe Marvel is having a make over year. Well, that Spidey makeover is atrocious enough to have been inspired by the queer eye guys. Will Spidey now exaggerate the "s" every time he ssslingsss hisss websss? Title: Re: NOOOOOOOOOOOO....... Post by: VidKid on February 15, 2006, 03:02:09 pm Well, just to follow up on those that feel my pain as Marvel messes up an icon. Rumor has it that the costume, debuting this month, will only last for a few issues. At the same time they have changed some of his powers.
1st - they start giving him cancer like symptoms which no one, not Mister Fantastic, Dr. Strange, or Bruce banner can figure out. Basically telling him, he's gonna die. 2nd - a new bad guy, the one causing most of the problems lately takes advantage of this and beats the crap out of spidey. Pulling a 'Kill Bill' and poking Parker's eye out(oh yeah, then eating it) the bad guy, Morlun, leaves his beaten, unconscious body laying there, deciding its better to watch him die then just kill him. 3rd - when taken to the hospital, 'Morlun' decides he's waited long enough and decides to go ahead and kill Parker. Mary Jane is at the hospital and tries to stop him, she, of course gets tossed across the room, waking Peter who, using his spider animalistic side, jumps from the bed and kills Morlun with spikes from his wrist (yes, similar to wolverine) Parker then dies in Mary Jane's arms 4th - When they get ready to prepare the body for the funeral, they find that Parker is gone, he left his skin there, like a snake, but is gone. Hiding in a cocoon under a bridge. 5th - there he is re-born. accepting the spider side of his powers he has long since denied 6th - meanwhile, random 'pirate spiders' have taken host in the skin left behind and form a new bad guy whom Parker must face. There he discovers the spikes again and uses them to defeat the 'pirate spider' 7th - additionally he has to rescue some people from a collapsing building and discovers a heightened spider sense, the ability to stick to walls with his whole body and not just fingers and whatnot, also that he can sense the vibration on his webs, like a real spider. He also has night vision and can carry heavy items on his back. While some of the story sounds cool, others really bother me. I mean, does he really need to have wolverine like claws. C'mon. And night vision? He already has strength, but to actually have to list 'carry heavy items on his back' makes it sound like they are defending the changes they've made. Like saying 'Aquaman can talk to fish, i can carry heavy stuff on my back' - sounds lame Only time will tell. I will keep you up to date, whether you like it or not... Title: Re: NOOOOOOOOOOOO....... Post by: JVides on February 15, 2006, 03:17:57 pm Quote there he is re-born. accepting the spider side of his powers he has long since denied Reborn looking like a spider? In costume? Still human-looking? WTF? Title: Re: NOOOOOOOOOOOO....... Post by: VidKid on February 15, 2006, 03:25:15 pm No, human form, just accepting the spiritual, animalistic side.. they include a quote before he is reborn that says something like "Are you the spider trying to be a man, or a man trying to be the spider"
They are trying to make it more than just 'bitten by a radioactive spider'. Now there is a spiritual spider force that felt his time wasn't now, and allowed him to come back to life in order to be 're-born' Title: Re: NOOOOOOOOOOOO....... Post by: GUATARICCAN on February 16, 2006, 01:23:12 pm FUCKING LAME!!!! Except for the plucking out the eye thing, sweet! Didn't Eddie Brock (Venom) have a similar cancer that the symbiote help keep at bay so he could stay alive?
Title: Re: NOOOOOOOOOOOO....... Post by: jtex316 on February 16, 2006, 01:43:18 pm It just sounds to me as if the people at Marvel Comics, weren't good writers to begin with, got stuck with a deadline, and slapped shit together and approved low-end work just to meet the time.
That's why you can't have deadlines. Because, you always wind up dead. |