Title: Ron Artest traded to Kings for Peja Stojakovic Post by: jtex316 on January 26, 2006, 11:39:57 am The Pacers finally dump their problems off on someone, and it's the Sacramento Kings.
However, the Pacers got another problem - Peja. He's injured, and he's over-rated, and if he's not shooting well, he's as good as useless. And let's not forget, Peja has been asking for a trade out of Sacramento for 3 years now, he's no angel either. Title: Re: Ron Artest traded to Kings for Peja Stojakovic Post by: Denver_Bronco on January 27, 2006, 07:57:11 am I think this was a great move for Sacramento if you ONLY look at the 2 players talent-wise. At least Artest is versatile and can do alot of things on the court, including thowing right hooks. Peja is a one-dimensional player.
Title: Re: Ron Artest traded to Kings for Peja Stojakovic Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on January 29, 2006, 09:36:20 am I think this was a great move for Sacramento if you ONLY look at the 2 players talent-wise. At least Artest is versatile and can do alot of things on the court, including thowing right hooks. Peja is a one-dimensional player. Absolutely correct. Peja is probably going to flop in Indy because if there is one thing Rick Carlisle preaches, it's defense. Peja does not play any defense. If he does, he'd be dog tired. |