Title: Superbowl halftime show Post by: bsfins on February 06, 2006, 11:40:05 am Well, another Superbowl,2 away from the wardrobe malfunction.Paul McCartney,did the a nice safe Halftime show last year...It seemed alot of the board,wasn't real impressed.(If I remember correctly)
So what did you think of the Rolling Stones? The Best Line About the Halftime,came from my Mom.. She walked in as Mick Jagger started dancing around the stage,She said,"Damn he's going to thropw a hip out.I'm grossed out,a nasty old man shaking his hips..I don't want to see this,I'd rather see Ozzy..." Title: Re: Superbowl halftime show Post by: Brian Fein on February 06, 2006, 11:42:40 am I think they "twied" to put on a good show, but they didn't "twy" hard enough, because I wasn't getting no satisfaction out of that at all...
:D Title: Re: Superbowl halftime show Post by: Philly Fin Fan on February 06, 2006, 11:43:06 am I love the Stones. I thought it was a good halftime show.
I like the fact that they didn't have Justin Timberlake, or 50 Cent, or Christina Aguilera jump onto stage with the Stones. I think it was the year before the wardrobe malfunction where they had Aerosmith performing, but Nelly, Britney Spears and a bunch of other bands joined them onstage. It took away from Aerosmith. I'm glad they let the Stones play alone. Title: Re: Superbowl halftime show Post by: Sunstroke on February 06, 2006, 11:54:58 am Mick should have retired about 10 years ago. His lips should have retired 20 years ago... Title: Re: Superbowl halftime show Post by: JVides on February 06, 2006, 11:58:39 am I liked it OK, though I thought about how old these guys are, and suddenly pictured my father up there doing his thing. They're about the same age. At that point, it hit me that Jagger's preening, at his age, was kind of...lame.
Title: Re: Superbowl halftime show Post by: Dave Gray on February 06, 2006, 12:22:36 pm The Stones were OK.
I liked the pregame where they had Stevie Wonder's classic tunes, being done by all the younger people. That seems to be a pretty good formula for success. Title: Re: Superbowl halftime show Post by: CF DolFan on February 06, 2006, 12:29:57 pm Young people want young performers while old people want old performers. Country people want country people and so on while football fans couldn't care less. We aren't watching for the half time show! ;)
Title: Re: Superbowl halftime show Post by: TonyB0D on February 06, 2006, 12:35:57 pm i thought it was god awful...i LOVE the stones, dont get me wrong, but they're about 2 decades too old to be doing shows like this...i mean from an audio standpoint the show could NOT have sounded any worse...those guys just cant play/sing/move anymore...its embarassing and they're tarnishing a great legacy.
Title: Re: Superbowl halftime show Post by: jtex316 on February 06, 2006, 01:13:13 pm I like them, but the show left stuff to be desired. They're not that great live, from the looks of it. And the song selection sucked, i didn't even recognize the 2nd song.
Title: Re: Superbowl halftime show Post by: Philly Fin Fan on February 06, 2006, 02:03:46 pm I like them, but the show left stuff to be desired. They're not that great live, from the looks of it. And the song selection sucked, i didn't even recognize the 2nd song. 2nd song was from their new album. I've never heard it either. And I've seen them about 6 times live, and they are always incredible shows. Title: Re: Superbowl halftime show Post by: AZ Fins Fan 55 on February 06, 2006, 02:37:24 pm While I wasn't all into the halftime show (as I am usually not) it could have been worse. Most men do not want to see Justin Timberlake and these crappy ass boy bands or these preppy little whinning bitches like Clay Aiken doing a halftime show during the biggest football game of the year. Yeah they could have done better than the aging Stones (Mick looked terrible) but it was better than having to sit through the above mentioned bull shit!!!! I too enjoyed the pre-game singers!!!!!
Title: Re: Superbowl halftime show Post by: SCFinFan on February 06, 2006, 03:22:46 pm I think there's an endurance race between Keith Richards and the common household cockroach to see which one will go extinct first...
My money's on the cockroach. |