Title: 40 year old virgin Post by: BeefStewert on February 14, 2006, 12:43:37 pm I read this on CNN this morning. Insane.
http://www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/anderson.cooper.360/blog/ Quote You too can be a 40-year-old virgin Someone told me that women are having their vaginas rejuvenated. That's right, rejuvenated and reconstructed and revirginized even. I thought they were kidding. But my producer and I looked into it, and sure enough, it's an emerging surgical trend. Vaginal rejuvenation costs thousands of dollars and is done with a laser. It includes a variety of procedures, such as women getting their labia made smaller because it is uncomfortable for them to engage in physical activity or have intercourse, women getting their vaginal canal tightened as it was pre-baby delivery, and other women going one step further by getting their hymen (the gateway to the vaginal canal) tightened. This last procedure can, in a sense, make a woman a virgin again. In many instances, the women who get this surgery need it for medical reasons. But not all. Some women do this as a gift to their husband or significant other. I interviewed one couple for this story who has been married 18 years and has two children. The wife recently had her hymen replaced as an anniversary gift for her husband. We also talked with the doctor who did the surgery and even got to be in the operating room during another woman's surgery. You can see the video (the PG version) tonight, February 14th, Valentine's Day. These women say it's the perfect gift. But beware, it isn't cheap. Title: Re: 40 year old virgin Post by: Denver_Bronco on February 14, 2006, 12:53:13 pm I like the loose ones. Fall right in....put your wet suit on.
Title: Re: 40 year old virgin Post by: Dave Gray on February 14, 2006, 12:58:13 pm Woman: "I got you a gift. Try to guess what it is."
Man: "Okay. ...um, ....does it come in a box?" Woman: "Uh.....sort of." Title: Re: 40 year old virgin Post by: MaineDolFan on February 14, 2006, 01:25:26 pm Woman: "I got you a gift. Try to guess what it is." Man: "Okay. ...um, ....does it come in a box?" Woman: "Uh.....sort of." Wrong on so many levels. Title: Re: 40 year old virgin Post by: Sunstroke on February 14, 2006, 01:58:13 pm I like the loose ones. Fall right in....put your wet suit on. May as well toss a vienna sausage down a long hallway... Title: Re: 40 year old virgin Post by: AZ Fins Fan 55 on February 14, 2006, 02:02:04 pm Wrong on so many levels. Yet still quite amusing!!!!! ;D May as well toss a vienna sausage down a long hallway... I was thinking along the lines of tossing a banana down a Slip-n-Slide!!!!! They can do all of this yet still no cure for cancer....I think our efforts are being wasted on cosmetic bull shit!!!!! Title: Re: 40 year old virgin Post by: Denver_Bronco on February 14, 2006, 02:14:05 pm May as well toss a vienna sausage down a long hallway... HAHAAHAHAHAHA !Title: Re: 40 year old virgin Post by: bsmooth on February 14, 2006, 02:15:11 pm I like the loose ones. Fall right in....put your wet suit on. Or dropping a pencil in a mineshaft. Title: Re: 40 year old virgin Post by: Phishfan on February 14, 2006, 02:54:07 pm Why would any man consider this a gift?
Title: Re: 40 year old virgin Post by: run_to_win on February 14, 2006, 03:12:50 pm They can do all of this yet still no cure for cancer....I think our efforts are being wasted on cosmetic bull shit!!!!! Right, because curing cancer is as simple as more money and more effort. As a matter of fact, everyone one of us should be feel guilty that we're wasting time that could be devoted to searching for the cure.Title: Re: 40 year old virgin Post by: Sunstroke on February 14, 2006, 03:21:50 pm Right, because curing cancer is as simple as more money and more effort. As a matter of fact, everyone one of us should be feel guilty that we're wasting time that could be devoted to searching for the cure. No guilt...but we "should" all give a little something to that fight. My family is basically Cancer Central. Every male member from my father's side of the family has either died of cancer, is battling cancer, or is expecting it to knock on their door at any time. It's why my brother went into genetic engineering as a career field. It's why, when I get a phone call, and see one of my brothers or uncles phone' numbers on the screen, I get a little bit of a cold chill down my spine...expecting the worst. Before I pay to have someone take a ratchet to my girlfriend's cooch, I'd drop another check to the American Cancer Society and say "Here ya go, now try harder...and hurry up." Title: Re: 40 year old virgin Post by: AZ Fins Fan 55 on February 14, 2006, 04:50:18 pm Before I pay to have someone take a ratchet to my girlfriend's cooch, I'd drop another check to the American Cancer Society and say "Here ya go, now try harder...and hurry up." Very well written and exactly the point I was trying to make before my words got flipped around!!!!! Thanks Stroke!!!!! :) Title: Re: 40 year old virgin Post by: bsmooth on February 14, 2006, 10:37:20 pm Right, because curing cancer is as simple as more money and more effort. As a matter of fact, everyone one of us should be feel guilty that we're wasting time that could be devoted to searching for the cure. We spend more researching AIDS than cancer. People don't just contract HIV/AIDS out of the blue, but cancer can. So why the fuck does money go to a preventable disease, instead of a unpreventable one. Title: Re: 40 year old virgin Post by: run_to_win on February 14, 2006, 10:39:30 pm Cancer victims aren't perceived as an oppressed minority.
Title: Re: 40 year old virgin Post by: Dave Gray on February 15, 2006, 12:06:40 pm We spend more researching AIDS than cancer. People don't just contract HIV/AIDS out of the blue, but cancer can. So why the fuck does money go to a preventable disease, instead of a unpreventable one. Most cancer is totally preventable, if you do the right things, and get checked regularly. Besides, are you suggesting that we stop AIDS research so that we can fund more cancer research? If so, using that reasoning, wouldn't we just find one disease and dump all of our money into that? I mean, why waste time trying to figure out a cure for gout, when we have cancer!!! Title: Re: 40 year old virgin Post by: Phishfan on February 15, 2006, 12:09:42 pm I would say you can lessen your chances of cancer, but saying most cancers are preventable I would say is debatable.
Title: Re: 40 year old virgin Post by: Dave Gray on February 15, 2006, 12:14:55 pm I would say you can lessen your chances of cancer, but saying most cancers are preventable I would say is debatable. Isn't preventing equivalent to lessening your chances? It's the same with AIDS...you are lessening your chances by remaining monogomous, wearing condoms, not using shared needles. ...but you can still get the disease, despite those preventative measures. With cancer, use sunscreen, don't smoke, get body scans yearly, check for lumps, etc. Sure, it can still pop up, but in most cases, it can be treated so it isn't fatal. Title: Re: 40 year old virgin Post by: Phishfan on February 15, 2006, 12:22:53 pm Isn't preventing equivalent to lessening your chances? Actually preventing is a more absolute term. Prevent means you would not get cancer. To lessen the chances would mean it is less likely you would get cancer. Semantics I guess. Title: Re: 40 year old virgin Post by: JVides on February 15, 2006, 12:23:12 pm Quote My family is basically Cancer Central I know the feeling.  Lost both my paternal grandparents to cancer, one aunt, one uncle, one cousin, all on my dad's side.  Title: Re: 40 year old virgin Post by: BeefStewert on February 15, 2006, 01:07:46 pm Please move your cancer talk to your own damn thread. You are bringing down my vagina reconstruction topic. I would rather let this thread fade than mutate into a cancer versus AIDs debate.
Title: Re: 40 year old virgin Post by: bsmooth on February 15, 2006, 02:54:33 pm Please move your cancer talk to your own damn thread. You are bringing down my vagina reconstruction topic. I would rather let this thread fade than mutate into a cancer versus AIDs debate. Why? When you bring up a thread about a ludicrious and unneccesary cosmetic procedure, it is bound to still up the passions of people who face/faced legitimate medical issues for which we have no cure, and our government also happens to subsidize an industry that is a major contributor to said diseases. Title: Re: 40 year old virgin Post by: BeefStewert on February 15, 2006, 05:00:06 pm Why? When you bring up a thread about a ludicrious and unneccesary cosmetic procedure, it is bound to still up the passions of people who face/faced legitimate medical issues for which we have no cure, and our government also happens to subsidize an industry that is a major contributor to said diseases. Because it is guideline #1 http://www.thedolphinsmakemecry.com/forums/index.php/topic,524.0.html If I said here is a vaginal reconstructive article and what are you opinons on AIDS and cancer, this thread would be okay. However as it is, the AIDS and cancer talk is a pure hijack and should be in their own thread. In summary, vagina talk good.... AIDS/cancer talk bad. Title: Re: 40 year old virgin Post by: Spider-Dan on February 15, 2006, 11:47:57 pm Why spend money on updating old, damaged highways when people have cancer?
Why spend money on cancer when people are starving? If you allow yourself to get sidetracked like that, nothing will ever get done. Back on topic: how can you complain about this procedure? It's win-win for everyone involved. There's a saying... men don't have small penises, women just have lazy vaginas. So fixing one accomplishes the same thing as fixing the other. Title: Re: 40 year old virgin Post by: GUATARICCAN on February 16, 2006, 01:10:05 pm There's a saying... men don't have small penises, women just have lazy vaginas. So fixing one accomplishes the same thing as fixing the other. Sounds like a saying made up by guys with small penises! Is there something you wanna share with us? ;D |