Title: 2006 NFL Scouting Combine Post by: Sunstroke on February 15, 2006, 12:15:57 am The NFL Scouting Combine is a week away, and since TV coverage of this year's Combine is going to be far more extensive than ever before (part of Tagliabue's sinister plot to make the NFL a 12-month league and squeeze out all the other sports...God bless ya, Tags!), I thought I'd start a thread for board members to yack about it. Most of the guys that Miami will be looking at are going to be there... QBs Cutler, Croyle and Whitehurst, O-linemen like Winston and Winston (Eric and Justice), DBs like Michael Huff and Jimmy Williams, all getting officially measured, weighed, timed, poked, probed, pumped, quizzed and even run through individual position drills. (Read: the truth comes out) A full list of the players invited:Â http://www.nfl.com/draft/story/9206978 The daily schedule, so you can tune in to see positions/players of interest: Thursday, Feb. 23 2 p.m. ET -- NFL Scouting Combine press conferences (LIVE) 7 p.m. ET/PT -- NFL Total Access from the Scouting Combine Friday, Feb. 24 2 p.m. ET -- NFL Scouting Combine press conferences (LIVE) 7 p.m. ET/PT -- NFL Total Access from the Scouting Combine Saturday, Feb. 25 11 a.m. ET -- Workouts: Offensive linemen and running backs (LIVE) (re-airs 8 PM ET/PT) 2 p.m. ET -- NFL Scouting Combine press conferences (LIVE) 7 p.m. ET/PT -- NFL Total Access from the Scouting Combine Sunday, Feb. 26 11 a.m. -- Workouts: Quarterbacks, wide receivers, running backs (LIVE) (re-airs 8 PM ET/PT) 2 p.m. ET -- NFL Scouting Combine press conferences (LIVE) 7 p.m. ET/PT -- NFL Total Access from the Scouting Combine Monday, Feb. 27 11 a.m. ET -- Workouts: Tight ends, defensive lineman (LIVE) (re-airs 8 PM ET/PT) 7 p.m. ET/PT -- NFL Total Access from the Scouting Combine Tuesday, Feb. 28 11 a.m. ET -- Workouts: Linebackers, defensive backs (LIVE) (re-airs at 8 p.m. ET/PT) Wednesday, Mar. 1 8 p.m. ET/PT -- 2006 NFL Scouting Combine wrapup show Title: Re: 2006 NFL Scouting Combine Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on February 15, 2006, 07:32:46 am If he really wanted to make the NFL a 12 month league, he should've bought the XFL and made it into a minor league.
Title: Re: 2006 NFL Scouting Combine Post by: crazy_scar_man on February 15, 2006, 11:45:11 pm what stations cover all those slots?
Title: Re: 2006 NFL Scouting Combine Post by: bsfins on February 16, 2006, 12:42:36 am what stations cover all those slots? NFL network! Title: Re: 2006 NFL Scouting Combine Post by: jtex316 on February 16, 2006, 11:07:05 am Sweet I get the NFL Network now on Adelphia!!
By the way, when do Punters and Kickers workout? Title: Re: 2006 NFL Scouting Combine Post by: Sunstroke on February 16, 2006, 11:28:36 am Sweet I get the NFL Network now on Adelphia!! By the way, when do Punters and Kickers workout? Whenever the real players allow them on the field... Title: Re: 2006 NFL Scouting Combine Post by: jtex316 on February 20, 2006, 02:46:57 pm That sucks. I want to see some hang-time drills, and some squib kick drills.