Title: Shooting pictures Post by: bsfins on February 15, 2006, 07:32:51 pm The beginning of this is pretty much back story,the real topic Later)
I'm the type of person,that almost never has a camera.So when I have a camera it's pretty important,or it's something I want to remember.I have a 128Mb SD memory card in my camera,that I never fill.I know a few people,that they take so many pics,That they have to buy bigger memory cards,and better cameras constantly. I tend to take 5-20 pics at a time,then I download them to my computer,and Photoshop the ones that really need it.(Always keeping my original photos) So on my endless attempt at finding Photoshop tutorials,I ran across a Video tutorial from some videos that they were trying to sell.Normally when I fins a phorshop tutorial,they are a few pics,and some text.They give you a general idea,but are sometimes really hard to follow. I've found a few video tutorials before,but they were single lessons,most with no sound,and went really fast.You have to watch them over and over.Not to mention the few that have foriegn accents,and are hard to understand. So The one video I liked,I went to EBay,to see if I could buy the dvds,Total Training for adobe photoshop CS .(I have CS2,but they'd work fine) I found them for between $75 - $200,the low ends still had 3 days to go on the auctions. I aquired:-[ a copy of one of the 9 Disk set from a peer to peer network.I really wanted see if they were like the little clip that I downloaded,or really,realy boring,and for beginners. I loved it,downloaded the whole 9 disk set.Except...Most of it deals with retouching photos...It does a great job to show you what most of the tools and filters do.Well, let me refine that...It does a great job explaining the tools the they feel are useful,some they claim to be worthless,and say a few words on them... With all that being said.... The Real Topic....The reason for the thread! Alot of the photos that he retouched,in the video,Don't seem to be that bad to me.Some of them I feel,they look goofy,fake,worse than before he tinkered with them,and just plain horrible. 90% of the pictures I take this guy would have hated and retouched. I'll give a good example...(I'm going to steal one of Philly's great pics from Mexico...) (http://www.thedolphinsmakemecry.com/forums/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=8441.0;id=12;image) It's a nice Pic as is...It's not bad. It could be tweaked,so you could see Philly's wife's face better,bring them (Philly,and wife) more to the focus of the picture... I probably wouldn't photoshop that Picture....unless it was too dark,or maybe blurry,ETC,ETC. I don't see spending 3 hours photshopping 10 pics,unless they are just not that good.Typically if they look that bad when they are on the camera,I take another one just in case.... So my question is 1.) Do you tweak,or fix your pics? 2.) Do you tweak most of your pics you take? 3.) How much do you tweak them? P.S. I noticed that someone is selling a bunch of copies of the Video set Late last week.,I bought them for less than $20 on ebay,my Official copy is coming later this week...So now there is a cheap option versus the $75-$200 that I saw originally... Title: Re: Shooting pictures Post by: Philly Fin Fan on February 15, 2006, 07:44:32 pm The best tweaking of that pic you used would be to eliminate me and focus on my wife!
Title: Re: Shooting pictures Post by: Brian Fein on February 15, 2006, 08:57:07 pm i tweak pics sometimes if i'm going to have them printed and there may be a person in the packground that I want out. Its hard to make it look non-tinkered, but worth it when done right.
For example, one time, I took a pic of me and my girlfriend and some kid put bunny ears behind her head. So, before I sent it to get printed, I went in and removed the bunny ears and the kid, and sent it to print. Luckily it was a night shot, so it was relatively easy. Any other time I try to tinker with colors, brightness, etc, I end up messing it all up. Title: Re: Shooting pictures Post by: bsfins on February 15, 2006, 09:31:03 pm Here's what I did with the photo...
It's still a little red,but the shadow's not on her face. (http://xs68.xs.to/pics/06074/Phillymexico.jpg) I can do more,but I think it just starts taking alot away from the pictures. I didn't think I was the only person that didn't tweak most of thier picks... Title: Re: Shooting pictures Post by: Dave Gray on February 15, 2006, 11:28:18 pm The only thing I do to my pictures is crop and size, unless I'm specifically making a project out of it.