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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: Dave Gray on February 16, 2006, 11:15:52 pm

Title: Movie Review: Millions
Post by: Dave Gray on February 16, 2006, 11:15:52 pm
Premise: A boy and his brother find a bag filled with tons of money.  The trouble is that the currency is in Pounds, and the UK is switching to the Euro in just two weeks.  One boy wants to give the money away to help people, and the other wants to live it up.

Rating: Fantastic

This movie combines fantasy and reality into one film.  I love that.  The scenes of imagination and exaggeration are told right alongside the factual events, and you sort of have to weed them out yourself.  For example, the kid makes a rocket out of boxes, and it actually shows the boxes blasting off.  One kid knows all about the Christian Saints, and they visit him...just like other characters in the movie.  Plus there is a lot of interesting camera work and such.  I highly recommend it.

Title: Re: Movie Review: Millions
Post by: bsfins on February 16, 2006, 11:18:48 pm
It sounds a bit like A Simple Plan,with Billy Bob Thorton,and Bill Paxton.I liked that movie.So I'll look into this one...

Title: Re: Movie Review: Millions
Post by: Dave Gray on February 16, 2006, 11:23:06 pm
It sounds a bit like A Simple Plan,with Billy Bob Thorton,and Bill Paxton.I liked that movie.So I'll look into this one...

Not at all, actually.  A Simple Plan was dark and unsettling.  This is pretty magical feeling -- you could watch it with your family.

Title: Re: Movie Review: Millions
Post by: Buddhagirl on February 17, 2006, 06:21:09 am
This sounds cute. I'm adding it to my Netflix.