Title: Davenport to visit Dolphins Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on March 22, 2006, 08:39:37 am According to the Miami Herald, former Miami Central High and UM RB Najeh Davenport will be visiting the Dolphins camp today for a workout. This guy has done an impressive job backing up Ahman Green in Green Bay. He reminds me of Larry Csonka.... always going up the middle dragging two and three guys with him.
If the Ricky appeal falls through, this guy would be an excellent pickup. Any thoughts? Oh, and I forgot to mention, I played against him in high school. Talk about trying to bring down a two-ton truck. Title: Re: Davenport to visit Dolphins Post by: Denver_Bronco on March 22, 2006, 08:41:27 am What was his injury last year ?
Title: Re: Davenport to visit Dolphins Post by: Brian Fein on March 22, 2006, 08:59:52 am I thought he had an ACL last year?
Anyway, we have enough misfits, I don't think we need Davenpoop on the team as a backup. Title: Re: Davenport to visit Dolphins Post by: JMoney13 on March 22, 2006, 10:03:54 am If we signed Davenport AND Ricky's appeal is denied, he would be our 2nd HB. I like him a lot but I think we have more important needs right now, so I wouldn't throw any money at him yet.
Title: Re: Davenport to visit Dolphins Post by: Phishfan on March 22, 2006, 10:23:04 am Title: Re: Davenport to visit Dolphins Post by: bsfins on March 22, 2006, 10:49:26 am Again,you now have 2 big backs,(if we signed him)and no real change of pace back...Ricky's game is more speed than power anymore...I admit,Ronnie's speed was just as advertised..He's not explosive, it takes awhile for him to get going...hopefully he'll work on getting more explosive in the off season....
I'm a Ronnie Fan...It's a fair criticism Title: Re: Davenport to visit Dolphins Post by: Dave Gray on March 22, 2006, 11:43:06 am I don't want him. He's a nightmare for the team's laundry manager.
Title: Re: Davenport to visit Dolphins Post by: mcduff81 on March 22, 2006, 11:43:45 am Lock your closets!!
I would like Crapenport as a back-up. Not so much a change of pace back, but a solid reserve in case of injury. A very good emergency plan. Title: Re: Davenport to visit Dolphins Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on March 22, 2006, 12:43:32 pm Again,you now have 2 big backs,(if we signed him)and no real change of pace back...Ricky's game is more speed than power anymore...I admit,Ronnie's speed was just as advertised..He's not explosive, it takes awhile for him to get going...hopefully he'll work on getting more explosive in the off season.... I'm a Ronnie Fan...It's a fair criticism I agree.... but imagine two power backs like Ronnie and Najeh just pounding and pounding away during the game..... ...by the 4th quarter, the opposing defense is so beat they're gonna be like, "I don't wanna get hit anymore or I might not get up!!!" |