Title: San Diego's new QB Post by: Frimp on March 30, 2006, 10:42:44 pm (http://www.maria-sharapova.me.uk/graphics/gallery/maria_sharapova_football_throw.jpg)
#7, Maria Sharapova. ;D Title: Re: San Diego's new QB Post by: BeefStewert on March 30, 2006, 10:48:32 pm Is it me, or are her legs freakishly a different color than the rest of her?
Title: Re: San Diego's new QB Post by: Frimp on March 30, 2006, 10:50:07 pm ^^^
Hmmmm. Yes, they are. :o Damn...I found a photoshop. DOH!!! Edit: Maybe not! Look at the shadow. Title: Re: San Diego's new QB Post by: Brian Fein on March 31, 2006, 12:29:23 am She's better than Philip Rivers...
Title: Re: San Diego's new QB Post by: Denver_Bronco on March 31, 2006, 07:35:25 am Maria Sharapova is hot. I have watched her tennis matches for the last 3 nights in a row or something. I can't change the channel. :o
Title: Re: San Diego's new QB Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on March 31, 2006, 08:30:29 am Maria Sharapova is hot. I have watched her tennis matches for the last 3 nights in a row or something. I can't change the channel. :o And coming up next....... Denver_Bronco discovers a mysteeeeeeeeeeeeerious growth in his pants!!!! Title: Re: San Diego's new QB Post by: Frimp on March 31, 2006, 09:33:08 am Maria Sharapova is hot. I have watched her tennis matches for the last 3 nights in a row or something. I can't change the channel. :o I watched the one last night. That girl she was playing was on a Marino/Elway style comeback, and would have won if she hadn't broken her ankle. |