Title: Phintastic Event: SEASON OPENER vs. Bills! Post by: CF DolFan on April 28, 2006, 03:05:29 pm I saw that Doug (Phinatic) had mentioned this in another post so I thought I would bring it to light for anyone interested.
Click this link for event info ---->  http://www.phinatics.com/phintasticbb06.htm ... I am definitely putting together a big event for the Vikings game. Hotel rates are up in November down in S FL, but I finally found a workable place and it's on Fort Lauderdale Beach. It's not a cheap package, but it's a heck of a value. Great seats, 2 nights hotel on the beach, transfers, parties with former players and one current player (TBD), tailgate party, and more. I can work with people though if they have a place to stay already, or tickets, etc. I'll post the info once I finalize it. I'm trying to find some ways to reduce the cost right now, but it's tight. Nothing is real cheap in South Florida :o. If anyone is interested, I already have an event set up for the Bills game. It doesn't feature all the same things as the Vikes game will, but it's still nice. $250 less per couple than the company that does these type of things for every game! http://www.phinatics.com/phintasticbb06.htm . You locals let me know if you're interested in just the party. I usually don't separate that out solo, but on this one I really just wanted to get a group together so we could have a good party... GO PHINS!!! Title: Re: Phintastic Event: SEASON OPENER vs. Bills! Post by: Dave Gray on April 28, 2006, 03:21:44 pm I already have tickets...what does the package include for local folks?
Title: Re: Phintastic Event: SEASON OPENER vs. Bills! Post by: The_Phinatic on April 28, 2006, 08:10:10 pm Go to the link you dummy ;) ;D.
Meet and Greet dinner deal with Matt Roth. Tailgate party. Just some stupid stuff like that ;). Should be fun though! Title: Re: Phintastic Event: SEASON OPENER vs. Bills! Post by: mcduff81 on May 01, 2006, 08:47:09 am Can you please send info on the Minnesota game party? I'll be in town and would be EXTREMELY interested..
Title: Re: Phintastic Event: SEASON OPENER vs. Bills! Post by: CF DolFan on May 01, 2006, 09:02:10 am He doesn't have everything for the Vikings game as of yet but I do know of some things. The hotel is on the beach. There will be a current player of higher status than the Bills game for the private dinner party and more alumnists. Randy McMichael was last years feature along with alumnists Jim "Crash" Jensen, Jim Kick, Ed Perry, Trent Gamble, Mark Higgs, Sean Hill as well as beat writer Ethan Skolnick. Tony Nathen was at the Sunday night gig but I wasn't there for that. As always the infamous Papa Pump was there. Bob Brudzinski caters the tailgate.
It will be similar to the Bills game but I'm sure he will do it up a lot more as it is his main gig this year. It's also a way to get great seats as most of his tickets are lower level sideline. I have pictures of last years event if you are interested. As a fan I'm sure you won't be disappointed. Title: Re: Phintastic Event: SEASON OPENER vs. Bills! Post by: mcduff81 on May 01, 2006, 09:06:27 am Thank you! That would be fantasic! Are you going to post it on this board when you have all the details?
Title: Re: Phintastic Event: SEASON OPENER vs. Bills! Post by: CF DolFan on May 01, 2006, 09:49:42 am Thank you! That would be fantasic! Are you going to post it on this board when you have all the details? I can't see the pics here at work but maybe you can. These are from last years event. I like just hanging out and talking with the players the best but they all are cool with signing and taking pics as well. http://www.thedolphinsmakemecry.com/forums/index.php/topic,7149.0.html http://www.phinatics.com/pge05.htm Here's his event main page. It has pics from different events as well. http://www.phinatics.com/phintastic.htm **** Note: End of sucking up to Doug! Title: Re: Phintastic Event: SEASON OPENER vs. Bills! Post by: The_Phinatic on May 01, 2006, 10:57:39 am Nice suck up CF -- you get 5% off the next event ;).
Mcduff81, CF failed to mention we hung out some with OJ McDuffie at the tailgate ;D. He's not part of the Events, but he tailgates very close to where we set up. He's very cool to fans. I got a pic of him somewhere wearing my event shirt from last year. He wanted one and then put it on. Who am I to deny him ;D??? As far as the Vikings game goes, I am struggling with it but should have something up soon. It's not going to be cheap because it's season down there and this is a premium game. I'm trying to find a way to make it less, but it's not working out. Not that it's not a great value, I just like to keep the price down when I can because I know it cost people money to get there, etc. At the same time, if I delete activities it's not worth doing. The main reason I do these things is for the extra activities you can't get elsewhere. I enjoy them as much, if not more, than the dolfan participants :D. For this game, I'd probably be better off financially selling the tickets on ebay, but I've already got too many people excited about it and I think this is the perfect game for an event this year. So, if any of you don't like the price, please keep it to yourself because I don't want to hear it ;D. I know a guy who just got $242.50 for a pair of Vikings upper sidelines! I've got some premium lower level sidelines, so you figure it out :D. Which brings me to this question, would you guys that are interested be opposed to upper sidelines if I bought a group block? It would be a lower priced option. Some people insist on lowers, some don't. Where do you stand mcduff81, etc? Title: Re: Phintastic Event: SEASON OPENER vs. Bills! Post by: mcduff81 on May 01, 2006, 11:02:12 am I have been to that stadium enough times to know there aren't many bad seats in that stadium. Upper lever, sidelines are about as good as you can get..
Title: Re: Phintastic Event: SEASON OPENER vs. Bills! Post by: The_Phinatic on May 01, 2006, 11:18:03 am Talking to the Phins ticket office now. The upper sidelines they offer are a bad deal. Upper corners are the best value. What do you think of those?
Title: Re: Phintastic Event: SEASON OPENER vs. Bills! Post by: CF DolFan on May 01, 2006, 11:28:42 am Nice suck up CF -- you get 5% off the next event ;). 5% ? Seeing as how you charge me double that's quite a lot! Mcduff81, CF failed to mention we hung out some with OJ McDuffie at the tailgate ;D. He's not part of the Events, but he tailgates very close to where we set up.  He's very cool to fans. I got a pic of him somewhere wearing my event shirt from last year. He wanted one and then put it on. Who am I to deny him ;D??? Actually I forgot to mention that you never know who is stopping bye. Or even when. OJ and Ki-Jana Carter are usually close and will hang around and talk, take pics or whatever. Jeno James' father hangs out with Doug and is awesome to talk to as well. Mr. James has become a fan favorite in and of himself. Doug has a way of getting friendly with the parents especially the mothers for some reason.  At least Ricky and OJ's.  ;) I bet Ricky's mom, sister and kids won't be stopping by again anytime soon huh Doug?  Of course knowing you they just might. Which reminds me ... I bet Dave Gray would give you much love to meet Ricky's family as well as baby momma #1 and baby momma #3 who thinks she is baby momma # 2.  ;D  Not sure why but this always makes me laugh. It's pretty sad. Title: Re: Phintastic Event: SEASON OPENER vs. Bills! Post by: mcduff81 on May 01, 2006, 11:31:50 am They are fine..
I had really bad seats at a football game only once. First row behind the benches. REAL close to the players, but you can't see a thing! Title: Re: Phintastic Event: SEASON OPENER vs. Bills! Post by: Fau Teixeira on May 01, 2006, 11:35:42 am yeah ..every seat at dolphin stadium is pretty decent for football .. and if you can't see an angle .. just look at the gargantuan HD scoreboards
Title: Re: Phintastic Event: SEASON OPENER vs. Bills! Post by: Brian Fein on May 01, 2006, 11:40:06 am Doug - Not to step on toes, but we were figuring on doing some tailgate event that day too.
Although, with all the schwag you typically put together, I doubt we can hang. (We're gonna get Lil B down from the boonies for that one!) Title: Re: Phintastic Event: SEASON OPENER vs. Bills! Post by: The_Phinatic on May 01, 2006, 11:52:29 am Quote Doug - Not to step on toes, but we were figuring on doing some tailgate event that day too. Although, with all the schwag you typically put together, I doubt we can hang. You guys should tailgate at every game since you get to go to them all ;D! You guys do your thing if you don't want to participate in the event. The ones who do can tailgate with me. No biggie. I can get upper corners row 22 in the shade for a good deal. Â The fun thing about is that I could put the group together. Â Do something like 10 in row 22 and 10 behind them in row 23. Â I could offer lowers and uppers with the best price clearly being the upper corners. Â I like it! Title: Re: Phintastic Event: SEASON OPENER vs. Bills! Post by: The_Phinatic on May 25, 2006, 06:25:37 pm I canceled the Vikings event -- for now. Not enough interest. I believe it mainly had to do with Thanksgiving being 4 days after. If you are still interested in that game mcduff, please PM me and I'll put you on the list in case I change my mind.
The Bills game event is on fire though and I only have 7 spots left if you need tickets. I'm looking for more, but no luck so far. Just added Channing Crowder to the special guest lineup!!!!!!!! Title: Re: Phintastic Event: SEASON OPENER vs. Bills! Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on May 25, 2006, 06:40:29 pm Question Phinatic...... is there a way we can just pay to attend the events and not have to pay for the hotel and game tix? (I have a place to stay and tix).
Title: Re: Phintastic Event: SEASON OPENER vs. Bills! Post by: The_Phinatic on May 25, 2006, 10:16:02 pm "we", yes. You, no ;D.
Seriously, I am going to offer that up this year, but not a lot of people. I normally don't do it, but this started out as a small deal and I had planned to offer up just a party price for folks I know. It all depends on how many normal (hotel and tix) spots go unsold if any. I always promise the players that I won't pack it out with more than about 50 people. I don't want to overwhelm them before a game and I want to make sure every event participant gets some decent time with the players. It really rocks. Believe dat! Title: Re: Phintastic Event: SEASON OPENER vs. Bills! Post by: YoFuggedaboutit on May 26, 2006, 06:38:37 am "we", yes. You, no ;D. We = Frimp, Ms Frimp and myself. |