Title: Doug Flutie Retires from the NFL Post by: jtex316 on May 15, 2006, 04:16:56 pm Attention Brett Favre:
Please take some notes. Doug Flutie has swiftly announced his retirement, about a day or so after the story was introduced. He didn't putz around with his nose up in the air in hopes of more money or more spotlight, like you. Doug Flutie, you were a hard-nosed NFL player, and the fact that Rob Johnson was even in any consideration to be the starting QB in Buffalo in the 90's is an insult and a slap in the face to you and any professional football fan. You will be missed. Good Luck with your future endeavors!! Title: Re: Doug Flutie Retires from the NFL Post by: Brian Fein on May 15, 2006, 04:41:49 pm I hate Doug Flutie.
Mostly because he was such a pain in the Dolphins' ass. I guess that's a back-handed compliment. Title: Re: Doug Flutie Retires from the NFL Post by: Thundergod on May 15, 2006, 06:31:05 pm So if Favre hadn't said anything about retiring until 2011 would you still have hated him as much? ???
Title: Re: Doug Flutie Retires from the NFL Post by: jtex316 on May 15, 2006, 09:00:40 pm Then I would hate him for not retiring and hanging on like a 50-year old piece of total garbage that he trully is.
There's no way for Brett Favre to avoid being absolutely demised and hated and publicly ridiculed by me. Title: Re: Doug Flutie Retires from the NFL Post by: Frimp on May 16, 2006, 02:41:03 am I always liked Flutie. I just wish he didn't play for the Bills and Patsies.
Title: Re: Doug Flutie Retires from the NFL Post by: MaineDolFan on May 16, 2006, 11:31:09 am Like it or not, Favre and Flutie aren't exactly in the same zip code as players. And...Flutie is about 75 years older than Favre. He's walking away much too late, much as I dig the guy.