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Author Topic: Office Pranks  (Read 3881 times)
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2008, 12:37:56 am »

Your sense of humour is the mirror of this guy's.  His name is Farva and what he finds funny seems to have the opposite effect on everyone else in the movie.  He's also at his most comical when he has no idea he is being funny...

I'll have to watch the movie then.  I'll bet he's the type who likes to clone ID's.  Grin
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« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2008, 11:45:56 am »

Farva is just a trimmed-down Tommy...I thought this the first time I watched the movie and still believe it today. Same high-end character, same sense of ethics, same emotional stability... Wink


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« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2008, 12:01:29 pm »

I had my friend call another dude that works down the hall so the voice wouldn't be recognizable as the abortion clinic, claiming to have a girl he banged once at the clinic needing him to be there to help make a decision. So this was at like 9am. We all go out to break at 10:15 so i had let some of my other friends in on it and i told them to watch how freaked out he was. So when we get out there the guy, (he was only 21 or 22 at the time), he got all emotional and serious about the situation and we all kept straight face. Probably the worst part is that I didn't tell him that it was prank until right before we got out of work at 4, so we made him eat it all day without blowing it.

Cruel, yes. Funny as hell, yes.

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Dave Gray
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« Reply #18 on: April 11, 2008, 02:37:17 pm »

These aren't really office pranks, but when I was in high school, I would prank call people that I knew with a fake old-man voice.  I was very convincing.  I had my house phone record the calls through the answering machine.

My best one was where I called this girl from the bus stop and had this whole story about how my roof had leaked down the wall and into the socket and I was trying to unscrew the plate and had shocked the crap out of myself.  So, I was calling, asking if it was the electric company.  Every time she'd try to cut me off or say that it was the wrong number, I'd interrupt and say "great" or "ok".

I finished the phone call and the next day at the bus stop, just started playing the tape. all nonchalant.  She just turned her head and said "THAT WAS YOU!?!??!"

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« Reply #19 on: April 12, 2008, 12:46:53 pm »

Oh shit well there isnt' enough room on here to list all the shit I pulled on coworkers.

1. Rubber Snake in the drawer.  It's timeless and virtually impossible to get anyone pregnant.
2. Throw something at them (not a stapler, cause trust me that's asking for trouble) large paper balls work well because an office is always full of semi used paper that no one wants anymore.  Just make sure you wad it up real well so it flies better.
3. If you have a job that involves a tool or something, hide it, or knock it over.  In an office you can't do much with this one unless someone has a huge ass coffee mug full of pens.  But at the movie theater we had brooms and those pull butler things those you can hide throw at someone or wait until they walk over and knock them down.
4. If you work in a vending area and serve popcorn, this is for you.  It's called the Golden Nugget.  Take a popped kernel, roll it in butter and butter salt until you get this big lumpy orange thing then make the new guy eat it.  He's gonna gag so make sure you have some water or a coke nearby.
5. Tell a coworker someone is doing something inappropriate in the bathroom and then take them in there to go handle the situation.  Then spend about 15 minutes looking for something that isn't there.  The rest is using your creativity.
6. Use props.  My personal favorite ones are to jam quarters into my eye and walk up behind someone and just start talking to them.  Then I'll pretend I have a cane and yell at them "I'm Mr. Peanut. GET IT?"
7.  Call someone's desk and do a celebrity impersonation.  I kept a kid going one night for an hour and a half thinking I was arnold schwartzenegger. 
8.  If you have a payphone or an unmanned phone at another desk, call it and watch the new guy pick it up.  Then hang up when he does.  If you really want it to be funny, get a coworker in on it and actually have a conversation with them on the other end.  The new guy will be baffled. 

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