I Think on what it is,and how it's done....If we're talking about Crossing over Star Trek,and Star Wars....Ewww...No way....
I think franchises like Alien Versus Predator...Both of those series were done with,and it's very gimmicky ( not worth my my time, unless it's 3 am on TNT and there isn't anything but Infomercials on )
I was never a fan of the fighting games like Street fighter,and Mrotal combat...So I don't like the idea of this game in Dave's example....
Well, the capcom, snk and marvel crossovers were all spectacular, but this is midway we're talking about...
Capcom and SNK (alongside sega) are the greatest fighting game developers out there. Midway is one of the worst. Let's say I'm not looking forward to this one, but in most cases, I like crossovers.
Anyway, how can sub-zero decapitate superman? ridiculous.