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Author Topic: The Health Industry in the US  (Read 1933 times)
Dave Gray
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« on: April 25, 2008, 02:13:28 am »

I was going to put this in my cancer thread, but I figure it would derail it.

I have insurance.  ...and I'm still going to have to pay big bucks for what accounts to getting a mole removed.

The total cost, after all is said and done, between consultation, surgery, meds, and follow-up, will be about $1200.

I understand that things are expensive, and you have to pay doctors for way more than just the service they're performing.  They had to go pay for college, medical school, liability insurance, etc.  As someone who runs a business, I get that.

However, something needs to be done.  There has to be another way.  I'm lucky to have insurance and get away with paying about $500 bucks.  It hurts me, as I'm not rolling in cash, but I have a good support system to help me with this kind of stuff.

What are people to do, just let cancer grow on their heads?  It seems that a little low-cost prevention at these early stages would help.  Medical costs are killing people.

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« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2008, 02:51:45 am »

The problem I had with my moms bills,was she would get a statement from her insurance,saying there is a bunch of stuff pending,or what has been paid by them...Then she'd get like 6 different bills ,one from the hospital,one from the radiologist,one for the Lab,one from the Lab technician,One from the doctor Etc,Etc...

That didn't include her meds,and follow up visits,or anything like that....

It took us 6 months to find out what she owed to pay it,by then she was back in the hospital,or having to go see a specialist....
Fau Teixeira
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Posts: 6343

« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2008, 07:51:06 am »

I say this with all seriousness.

in terms of you as an individual, get aflac and do it now. the difference for you would be about $4 a week, and they would have given you about $1500 for getting skin cancer (way more for an internal cancer). Aflac also has other, non cancer plans. I'm personally signed up for the accident plan ($10 a month), and the catastrophic illness (heart attack, stroke, organ failure) plan (about $15 month). The 1st plan covers any type of accident, like dislocating a shoulder while putting on a shirt. the 2nd plan has an occurrence benefit that increases the payout by $500 for every year i'm on it.

On a general government note. I would abolish the FDA, repeal the HMO act of 1975 and encourage medicareto revise the premiums it pays doctors on a frequent basis to more closely follow the marketplace. The health industry is the only industry that sees prices increase with more technological advancement.
YJFF Member
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Posts: 3174

« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2008, 09:26:36 am »

Dave I hear you. I have ankle surgery scheduled for May 21st. I'm responsible for 10% of the "contracted amount" on all the services. I'm estimating it'll be about $1200 or so out of pocket. Hope they will take payments.

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« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2008, 09:46:04 am »

Dave I hear you. I have ankle surgery scheduled for May 21st. I'm responsible for 10% of the "contracted amount" on all the services. I'm estimating it'll be about $1200 or so out of pocket. Hope they will take payments.

Most hospitals do if you arrange it in advance.
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