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Author Topic: Denver - where is your Tampa Rays "nice team unity" thread?  (Read 4748 times)
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Posts: 11671

« Reply #15 on: June 10, 2008, 11:18:23 am »

I don't doubt Maine has a life outside of his job, but the fact is that it is his job to know the shit that he rubs in our faces when we don't know who Joe Schmo is that got called up from Single-A East Bumblefuck.

That isn't what I am saying at all, Mike.  I think you know exactly where I am coming from.  You're a Yankees fan and, yet, if someone on Boston's roster gets pulled over for doing 31 in a 30 you're all over it.  It's almost as though you follow Boston more closely than your own team.  If something happens to Boston you jump on it.  The exact same thing happens within days of each other to other teams and there is a silence from your end.  The Tampa Bay thing between catcher and pitcher was all over SportsCenter, PTI, Rome and everything else.  You didn't need to be watching it to hear about it.

"God is a comedian, playing to an audience too afraid to laugh."
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Stop your bloodclot cryin'!

« Reply #16 on: June 10, 2008, 11:26:49 am »

The sky is blue...
Water is wet...
Fire is hot...
Denver_Bronco is a moron...

These things we hold to be universal truths...


"There's no such thing as objectivity. We're all just interpreting signals from the universe and trying to make sense of them. Dim, shaky, weak, staticky little signals that only hint at the complexity of a universe that we cannot begin to comprehend."
~ Micah Leggat
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Posts: 1088

« Reply #17 on: June 10, 2008, 12:00:27 pm »

I was watching espn today did anybody see the brawl two Arizona State players had on the field ? They also showed the Tampa and Boston disputes.

John 3:16  For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son, and whom ever shall believe in Him shall not die but have everlasting life.
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