No. I say that if we're going to increase someones it might as well be them.
Of course you want taxes raised on them.. You want someone else to pay for what you want & believe in.
Why do I get the feeling you preach helping others, but donate little time or money to charity.
However, I don't sit here bellyaching about who pays what. Appsarently, it's all you worry about.
Of course you don't. You already want someone else paying for how you believe. Plus, you just sit around hating people, while preaching about how ignorant bigotry is.
Its not all I concern myself with, but I see the writing on the wall with this stuff also.
The tax system should not be used to buy votes.
So is yours, so stop your whining.
Mine is going to help educate my children, since I have kids in school
Funny, you are all for helping others until someone ask for help, then you start preaching about whining & how they made their choice.
However, you total ignore that the people you think deserve money made by others is right.
How far does your hypocrisy go?