I don't applaud him at all. If he would've admitted it when he was called before Congress, I would've applauded him. If he would've admitted it back when he was doing it, I would've applauded him. But to do it now, years after the fallout from all the positive tests, the BALCO scandal and the Mitchell Report tells me he's just trying to win enough sympathy votes for the Hall of Fame.
Read much? Because if you did, you would have read that both McGuire's attorney and one of the congressmen told him not admit that he used steriods even though he wanted to because there was no offer of immunity. One of the congressmen actually pushed for immunity to get the players to open up.
Even with his admission, based on the number of votes it will still take several years to reach the 75% threshhold.
This puts even more scrutiny on Bonds and Sosa now. It also makes Canseco even more right as he said in his book that he was injecting with McGuire over 20 years ago.