There's always been one thing in the way of a rookie wage scale: The NFL Players' Union.
For some reason that still escapes me, the NFLPA has turned 180 degrees and proposed... a rookie wage scale. to say, they're giving it some massive spin, calling it "the proven performance plan". That's all well and dandy, but why have they been against such a thing for so long then? Could the sudden change of heart be due to the owners opting out of the CBA and the Union getting a bit antsy about 2011?
Personally, I hate the idea of teams throwing millions at players who have proved exactly nothing. On the other hand, teams are getting sole contract rights to a player. That should be worth something. For a top pick, they are essentially getting 5-6 years of whichever player they deem most worthy... and the contract isn't guaranteed. Sure, there's some bonus money -- more than ever these days -- but still...
All that brings me to another point... should rookie contracts be guaranteed? (In the case of a rookie wage scale)