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Author Topic: Calling 911  (Read 3256 times)
« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2010, 08:31:41 pm »

There is a non-emergency line for police.  In this case, the woman should have called that number.  That number should also be used to report a crime after it has been committed and no lives are in danger.
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« Reply #16 on: February 16, 2010, 10:54:17 pm »

Yeah.  People abuse 911 all the time.  There's an audio file floating around the net somewhere about a woman that called 9/11 at the McDonald's window about McNuggets or something like that.

That happened in my City. My Department.  I've been studying people alot lately. I'm convinced Modern Technology is dumbing down the masses.  So many of the early 20 yr olds I encounter on a daily basis can not handle the most simple of decision making or any crisis situation. People do not even know how to speak without a text. Of course I know this is a small portion of society and I meet the worst of it usually, but whats to be in 25-even 50 years from now?  Indifferent

Dave Gray
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« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2010, 12:38:42 am »

That happened in my City. My Department.  I've been studying people alot lately. I'm convinced Modern Technology is dumbing down the masses.  So many of the early 20 yr olds I encounter on a daily basis can not handle the most simple of decision making or any crisis situation. People do not even know how to speak without a text. Of course I know this is a small portion of society and I meet the worst of it usually, but whats to be in 25-even 50 years from now?  Indifferent

I don't think that this is true, but is just your perception as you age.  Every generation thinks that the one coming after them is dumber, but in fact, we're about 10 IQ points smarter, per generation.

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« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2010, 10:13:19 am »

Maine I'm not buying your 911 rationale. If a person even thought about freaking out on me after I saved / recovered her purse, I'd tell her to Fuck Off and call her every name in the book on the way out.

It's not up to citizens to take the law into their own hands (e.g. "corner" someone in a store). "Perception is reality". Great legal defense.

It isn't "mine", Joe.  Try reading versus skimming.  I'm the messenger.

"God is a comedian, playing to an audience too afraid to laugh."
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