I'm not exactly sure how it works, but there's some new rule about placement of the "in the action" referee. Apparently, too many refs were getting hit by guys going across the middle, so they've moved the guy. He has to place the ball, then drop back 15 yards, and that the offense is no longer allowed to snap the ball until the ref is in position.
That has always been the rule. Refs need to be in position to snap the ball. Hasn't been an issue cause the refs typically were faster than the offense.
So, they have to wait for the guy to run 15 yards on every play, which can really slow down the game, especially for teams trying to run the no huddle.
Actually it doesn’t slow the game down much. And the old rules are used during the final 2 mins. What it does do is make it much harder for teams such as the Colts who run the no huddle and then use the entire 30 seconds at the LOS to prevent defenses from doing substitution from pulling an early snap to get a penalty for the defense not being ready.
As I prefer football games where both the offense and defense are allowed to freely substitute, not just the offense and both teams have the right personnel on the field I actually like this change. Not withstanding Poulins whining and crying.
I do think that safety is the most important thing, though. I think that you can't slow down the game.
I agree safety of the refs is more important than the Colts being allowed to run the gimmick.