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Author Topic: iPad 2 vs iPad 1  (Read 2566 times)
« on: December 02, 2010, 01:17:15 pm »

I've always been interested in one of those tablet iPads, but I've heard they're coming out with an iPad 2 around Christmas time.  This new version of the iPad will have a much sharper definition, USB ports, and a few other advanced features.  What I'm wondering is what will happen to the price of iPad 1's?  Will they drop dramatically so I can score a couple on the cheap for my grandkids?  Or will Apple pull them out of inventory? 

What say the tech guys on this board?
Brian Fein
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« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2010, 03:00:10 pm »

As a rule, manufacturer's never pull product out of inventory.  They just stop making them, and let them sell out (at a discount price).  Who eats the cost of millions of dollars worth of product that is perfectly good but unsold?
Dave Gray
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« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2010, 03:11:49 pm »

No iPad2 before Christmas.  Guaranteed.  I would guess we'll see a new iPad announcement around March, but even then -- who knows?

They do have features on the iPhone 4 that aren't yet on the iPad, and are for sure going to be in the new version, like the improved resolution and some software improvements, a camera, etc.

I doubt you'll see USB though.  Apple isn't all about that.  They make their devices to work how they want them to -- not how you want them to, for better or worse.  It would also hurt the form factor, probably, which I'm guessing they're unwilling to compromise.

But eventually, yes -- you'll see an iPad 2 and the original will fall in price.

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« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2010, 05:24:40 pm »

I doubt you'll see USB though.  Apple isn't all about that.  They make their devices to work how they want them to -- not how you want them to, for better or worse.  It would also hurt the form factor, probably, which I'm guessing they're unwilling to compromise.

Since the primary reason to stick a USB port would be "non-computer" device connectivity (cameras, mp3 players, stuff that can charge over USB), they could stick a mini-USB port on the iPad2 without effecting form factor. Even a micro-USB port would be an option, considering that micro-USB charging will be MANDATORY on all cell phones sold in Europe from next year (new models, I'm assuming).
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