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Author Topic: Tebow to the Jets  (Read 9761 times)
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« Reply #30 on: March 26, 2012, 01:18:45 pm »

Well it kinda morphed into that but originally the wildcat was defined by the unbalanced line where you take one tackle and put him on the same side as your other tackle and have a RB in motion to that side. That's where the wildcat started and where it had it's most success with Ricky Williams and Ronnie Brown being a dual threat.  I don't see that being used much and you're right that it's basically just become the QB running the ball which has never really worked that well. Pat White was horrible both running and passing.

Yeah, the "wildcat term" has seemed to morph into anything that doesn't involve the QB throwing the ball or handing it to a running back.  What Tebow does isn't the 2008 Dolphins wildcat, but something that is typically called a "quarterback sneak"  or "extending the play with his feet" and plays a style similiar to Micheal Vick.  Nor is the what the Dolphins did in 2008 something never done in the NFL before.  Teams had done it before, the Dolphins just did it with greater regularity (multiple times in a single game vs. once or twice a season) and gave it a name. 

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Brian Fein
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« Reply #31 on: March 26, 2012, 01:22:18 pm »

To me, two huge components of Wildcat are:
a) having a running threat in shotgun behind an unbalanced line
b) normal QB split out wide

Tebow, although he is a QB, could run this style of offense.
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« Reply #32 on: March 26, 2012, 03:01:26 pm »

What's more likely is that Tebow would run a simple OPTION offense. No unbalanced line, no quarterback split wide. Just a simple college-style option offense.
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« Reply #33 on: March 26, 2012, 04:08:07 pm »

To me, two huge components of Wildcat are:
a) having a running threat in shotgun behind an unbalanced line
b) normal QB split out wide

Tebow, although he is a QB, could run this style of offense.
Brian has a good point though. You could actually put Tebow in at QB and still split him out wide, not take the snap. He's a good enough athlete that you would actually have to respect that player going up field. You could also then put him in motion and get him the ball and he becomes a throwing or running threat.

There's lots of different ways to use Tebow, I don't disagree with that, I just don't think it's effective enough to make an offense out of it or to bring in a guy with the skills that Tebow has to justify trading for him. If it were more effective or you just happened to have Tebow on your team and were looking for ways to utilize him, that makes some sense.

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« Reply #34 on: March 27, 2012, 11:20:45 am »

With Tebow going to the Jets, is there anyone that doesn't think that Pat White was a Sparano pick now?  He loves these types of QB's and is convinced he can win with them. Good luck with that Tony.  Evil

I am not so sure Sparano was the one behind Tebow coming to the Jets. 

How I read this is: Rex Ryan was quite impressed with what the Dolphins did in 2008 on offense and what the Broncos did last year and unhappy with Brian Schottenheimer conservative and predicatable offense.  So he brought in Tony to create a more creative offense and Tebow to give him the tools to be quite creative. 

While I wish neither of them success, I think it is a great move on the Jets behalf. 

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« Reply #35 on: March 27, 2012, 11:34:52 am »

I think it is a great PRmove on the Jets behalf. 

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Dave Gray
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« Reply #36 on: March 27, 2012, 03:50:56 pm »

I shit on Tebow quite regularly.  And since he's not a Jet, I assume I will do it even more.  ...but man, I really respect the way that he's handling this whole thing.

He said that he's in it to help the team, in any capacity that he's asked.  He will always work towards an expanded role, but do you want someone on your team that doesn't?  The guy has the right attititude to play in the league, that's for sure.  I just don't think he has the tools to play the QB position.

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