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Author Topic: NHL Playoff predictions.  (Read 6631 times)
« Reply #30 on: April 28, 2012, 08:37:46 am »

And completely disagree that the Panthers aren't "playoff hardened" whatever that means.  They had something like 280 playoff games on that roster all combined, including three players with their names on the cup in the past 5 years. 

Prior to this season, the Panthers have been to the playoffs three times since their inception in 1993.  The last playoff appearance was in 2000.  A team that has gone through a 12 year playoff drought is definitely not a "playoff hardened" team, regardless of who is on the roster.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2012, 10:42:36 am by MaineDolFan » Logged
Brian Fein
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« Reply #31 on: April 28, 2012, 04:41:41 pm »

Prior to this season, the Panthers have been to the playoffs three times since their inception in 1993.  The last playoff appearance was in 2000.  A team that has gone through a 12 year playoff drought is definitely not a "playoff hardened" team, regardless of who is on the roster.
You know absolutely nothing about the Panthers.  They have exactly 5 - YES, FIVE - players returning from just last year in Game 7's active lineups.  Weiss, Garrison, Weaver, Matthias, and Kulikov.  Everyone else is on the team their first year, and played plenty of playoff games on other teams.  So, what in the hell does the team's last 12 years history have to do with the current team when almost everyone from the GM to the bench coach is new to this team?

Get your facts straight before you talk.
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