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Author Topic: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth  (Read 4433 times)
Brian Fein
Global Moderator
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Posts: 28297


« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2012, 01:31:07 pm »

Dude, first things first...

Any position that requires experience is not entry-level.  By definition, entry-level requires no experience.  At my job, we have co-ops come and go all the time without hiring them.  It doesn't mean they sucked.  It means we're not hiring right now.

Secondly, if you want to get a job at a grocery store bagging groceries, you can do that assuming they are hiring.  Their need for people has nothing to do with you having a degree or not.  Its not their decision to determine whether or not you're overqualified.

Lastly, you project negativity, which also could be affecting your job hunting.  You go into a job and say "I want a job but you'll probably not hire me cause I'm a miserable failure and a moron."  Would you hire that guy?  You've made the decision for them before you even handed in your application.

You really need to do something about your self-worth and self-image issues.  Its the same story from the "I can't get any girls to talk to me" threads, its all about how you carry yourself and project yourself. 

Sadly, that diploma is something you'll probably want later in life, and you've already destroyed it.
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