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Author Topic: Republicans vs. Democrats TV: Lefties want comedy, right wingers like work  (Read 10006 times)
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Posts: 14604

« Reply #45 on: October 03, 2012, 12:10:56 pm »

Also when was the last time an Islamic country actually attacked us directly?

September 11, 2001.  

For all intensive purposes Al Qaida was a military branch of the Talban and Afganstan. 

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Bay Area Niner-Hater

« Reply #46 on: October 03, 2012, 12:25:59 pm »

And yet the United States government itself insists that Al-Qaeda operatives are NOT military combatants, and are therefore not subject to the the rules of the Geneva Convention.

Which one is it?  Is Al-Qaeda the Afghani military, or not?  If they are, why hasn't Congress formally declared war?  Why wasn't that war ended when we took over Afghanistan?  Why did we assassinate the exiled "military leader" of a nation that we had already conquered?

And since when does "Al-Qaeda" (or "Afghanistan," take your pick) = "the Muslims"?  The logical extension of your argument is that if Israel launches a pre-emptive war against Iran, Iran (and/or its allies) would be fairly entitled to declare war against The Jew.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 12:28:16 pm by Spider-Dan » Logged

Global Moderator
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Posts: 14604

« Reply #47 on: October 03, 2012, 12:34:28 pm »

And yet the United States government itself insists that Al-Qaeda operatives are NOT military combatants, and are therefore not subject to the the rules of the Geneva Convention.

Which one is it?  Is Al-Qaeda the Afghani military, or not?  If they are, why hasn't Congress formally declared war?  Why wasn't that war ended when we took over Afghanistan?  Why did we assassinate the exiled "military leader" of a nation that we had already conquered?

I have disagreed with this US policy since its inception. 

  The logical extension of your argument is that if Israel launches a pre-emptive war against Iran, other countries would be fairly entitled to declare war against The Jews.

1.  Israel could not launch a pre-emptive war against Iran, unless Iran and Israel first reached a peace agreement.  In 1948, Iran declared war against Israel and has never changed that stance.  Israel and Iran are currently "at war."

2. Most of the countries that would be truely upset with Israel destroying Iran's nuclear weopons capability, are already at war against the Jews and have expelled the Jewish populations from their countries and/or outlawed the practice of Judism.  Iran, Iraq, Syria etc.   

There are two rules for success:
 1. Never tell everything you know.
Global Moderator
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Posts: 15724

« Reply #48 on: October 03, 2012, 12:49:23 pm »

For all intensive purposes

The correct saying is for all intents and purposes.
Global Moderator
Uber Member
Posts: 16008

Bay Area Niner-Hater

« Reply #49 on: October 03, 2012, 01:43:59 pm »

I have disagreed with this US policy since its inception.
I disagree with the current policy of taxing capital gains at a lower rate than earned income.  Does this mean that I get to say that people who are paying the lower capital gains rate are committing felony tax evasion?

It is the position of the United States that Al-Qaeda is not the military of any recognized nation.  Therefore, the question stands: when was the last time an Islamic country attacked the United States directly?

Unless you're going to categorize Taliban or Iraqi resistance to the 2001/2003 invasions as "attacking the U.S.," I think you're going to have a hard time finding an example.

1.  Israel could not launch a pre-emptive war against Iran, unless Iran and Israel first reached a peace agreement.  In 1948, Iran declared war against Israel and has never changed that stance.  Israel and Iran are currently "at war."
So then:

- Israel and Iran have been "at war" for over 60 years.
- During that time period, Israel acquired nuclear weapons.
- However, if Iran also wishes to acquire nuclear weapons, this is a clearly hostile act of war, which Israel will not stand for.
- Except that they are already at war, and have been for 60 years.

2. Most of the countries that would be truely upset with Israel destroying Iran's nuclear weopons capability, are already at war against the Jews and have expelled the Jewish populations from their countries and/or outlawed the practice of Judism.
Which countries, exactly, are you claiming to be currently in a state of open war against The Jew?

Let's be clear here: I'm not talking about countries which ban non-Muslim religions as a whole, or countries with a frosty relationship with the nation of Israel.  I'm talking about nations that have enacted policy specifically targeting Jewish people as military enemies.

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