What I don't like about Armando is the way "he serves things up." I don't expect everything to be all rosy, but he seems to go out of the way to be negative and critical. Don't we have enough of the media that does that to us? You would think that the "hometown newspaper" would have a sportswriter who is more supportive of the team. In fact, I think he bites the hand that feeds his sorry butt.
This is exactly correct. I will never forget last season...
Monday, Armando reports a "rumor" citing himself as the source, that Sparano's firing is imminent.
Tuesday, the same Armando goes into Sparano's press conference, and asks him to comment on the article and rumor (that he made up) about him getting fired.
Wednesday, Sparano got fired for being a distraction to the team.
I that's not the media making up the news and influencing the results, I don't know what is. That's the most irresponsible journalism I've ever seen.