If you think looking at cats on Facebook is just as offensive to the workplace as looking at drawings of women being penetrated by tentacles, then either:
a) you shouldn't be on this forum at work anyway, or
b) you can happily clickthrough anything marked NSFW with impunity
That's not what I said. a) is true if your work place doesn't allow your PC for personal use. If it's true then looking at cats, looking at drawings of women penetrated by tentacles and these forums are all exactly the same, they are inappropriate for use on your work PC, therefore you don't need a NSFW label on anything because anything that is not work related is not appropriate.
NSFW ONLY applies to people who work at a place where personal use on their PC is allowed. This is the point I was making. That was in response to Landshark saying those people looking at FB should be disciplined. That's only true if a) is true, but those folks don't need NSFW on images because they already know it's not appropriate no matter what the image.
So that leaves the other group. Those who are allowed to use their PC for personal use as long as it doesn't interfere with work. The group that I fall into.
If you really think a depiction of a person getting a blowjob is "borderline," I don't know what to tell you. Would your work allow someone to bring in a cake like that?
Would they allow it? Well I don't think they would be happy about it, but would they file a sexual harrassment charge against me? Maybe. But let's be clear here, I'm not questioning whether or not bringing the cake to work for everyone to consume would be appropriate, I'm talking about whether or not pulling the image of the cake up on my PC at work for my own viewing would be appropriate. Those are 2 different things. The 1st one is clearly more disruptive to the work place then the 2nd. Might someone be offended if they saw it, yes, but I didn't intend for them to see it. My work would probably tell me to use better judgement, but no one is filing sexual harrasment charges against me.
How about put up a calendar with a drawing like that?
Again, different situation. Anyone who comes to my cube is going to see it. That's different from someone glancing over my shoulder and seeing what I happen to be looking at for a moment.
Just to make it clear, it's not that I don't think that the NSFW tag has a place, it clearly does, I just think we tend to cast the NSFW net over a little too large of an area. I use a little common sense when using my work PC for personal use and I know that pretty much anything MIGHT be inappropriate for the work place, so I tend to be cautious anyway. Typically I don't need NSFW because I pretty much treat every image that way when I'm at work and I make sure no one is around. I appreciate the NSFW tag when it's VERY graphic in nature especially if it's on a forum or something where you wouldn't expect because then I'm NOT going to pull it up just in case, but often times I see stuff marked as NSFW that is so tame that I think "No one at work would have even cared".
That's just my opinion, I could be wrong.