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Author Topic: All fouls aren't judged the same. How will replay affect this?  (Read 1550 times)
Dave Gray
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« on: March 28, 2019, 09:31:44 am »

This happens in the NFL, but a better example is in the NBA, so I'll start there.

If you commit a foul when someone is attempting a 3-pointer, they get 3 foul shots.  And at the end of the half, players jack up full-court shots to maybe get lucky and get a 3 point basket.  But realistically, no ref is calling a foul on that shot.  You see guys get absolutely mugged all the time on those "hail mary" type of jacked-up shots.  And it's just not the way the game is refereed to call that a shooting foul.  ...even though, it absolutely is a foul during a shot.

The NFL has this also, but to a lesser extent.  Pass Interference (and defensive holding) on a 3rd and 3 with 10 minutes left in the half is called pretty strictly.  But pass interference on a hail mary endzone jump-ball scrum where the QB is scrambling around and throwing errantly to end a game is much looser.  You're just not likely to see that called and a 60-yard penalty enforced.

I'm wondering how reviewing PI calls will play into this kind of thing.  Will this stuff be considered or is it all "letter of the law"?
« Last Edit: March 28, 2019, 11:02:24 am by Dave Gray » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2019, 10:09:41 am »

Keep in mind 1. these are judgement calls; 2. the rule that calls are only overturned if there is uncontriversal evidence that the original call was incorrect applies.

Granted #2 is not always followed as rigorously as some think it ought.  But I suspect that the only time things are overturned is when it is obvious.  E.g the saints game.  Plus the refs are going to want to send a message to coaches, “keep the flag in your pocket, unless it is egregious “

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CF DolFan
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« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2019, 01:33:06 pm »

Plus the refs are going to want to send a message to coaches, “keep the flag in your pocket, unless it is egregious “
That's my mind set and I think it comes from doing baseball games. You have to "see the out" for it to happen. If it isn't obvious then it goes to the offense or runner. That's how I think it should be in the NFL as well. PI and roughing the passer should be obvious to all of us. 

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« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2019, 12:17:37 pm »

Here's the problem.   The NFL is rigged for the offense.   A defensive player can't hit a "defenseless receiver", can't do a helmet to helmet hit, but offensive players can lower their heads and hit someone??    Also there are five yard penalties on defense that become automatic first downs.   I think they need to start calling helmet to helmet hits on offense, and make certain offensive penalties automatic fourth downs. 

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