Other things I want include
- Energy Independence
- No inflation
There is very little that ONE country can do about global inflation. So voting for either party on that issue is pointless.
The republican party is actively working to increase American energy dependency. Pipe lines and faster depletion of our dwindling supplies will not lead to energy independence.
The key is to energy independence is renewable energy. We won't run out of solar and wind energy. OPEC can't create a solar or wind embargo.
And as for oil the worst move is to drill more. The best move would be to import as much as possible. As long as we have oil in the ground we have options once we use up all of out domestic supplies we are now completely at the mercy of other countries. Worst case situation is us using up all of our own supplies and then being forced to import 100%, best case would be not use any of our own supplies until every other country exhausts their supplies and we have a monopoly.